Willow Leaf Ficus for sale


Imperial Masterpiece
Reaction score
Rochester, NY
I'm looking to down size my collection of tropicals, so this willow leaf ficus is available. I'd prefer to sell to someone who is attending the National Show in Rochester this week, to avoid shipping - so if any of you who are attending are interested, send me a PM. If I can't find a buyer at the show, I'll ship...so let me know if you are interested, even if not attending the show. For this size tree, I'm guessing shipping would run $20-$25, but I'll have to check the required box size to get a better idea.

Anyway, regarding the tree - a series of photos below show the current appearance. It is growing well this summer. Trunk size above the flare is between 1.5 - 1.75 inches, but from other views is close to 2". Total height from soil to top of foliage is just shy of 10". Tree is planted in a 10" wide mica pot. There is an area of deadwood on the top half of the trunk.

Asking price is $120 for the tree and pot. Mica pots of this size go for $20+, this one is scuffed and has some screw holes on the inside upper lip for wires, but is perfectly usable. I could remove it from the pot but it was repotted this spring, so probably best to leave it.

1) Current "front"


2) Rotated about 90 deg


3) Rotated about 90 deg more


4) Rotated another 90 deg


5) View of the deadwood on the trunk


6) An older photo from 2013, the last pic I have in the leafless state. The first branch on the left has been brought down and forward, and the first branch on the right has been brought down slightly and also forward. Both branches can still be moved. My current chosen "front" (picture 1 above) is rotated about 30 deg clockwise from this view.


There is a wider base under the soil, tree can be rotated if desired to take advantage of it. I'll have to put that picture in a follow-up post.
Another older photo from 2013 showing the root flare/spread. Approximately 4" in some views, less in others. I have the surface roots buried right now to encourage surface rooting. Note, since this photo was taken, the large lower branch has been removed...the branch coming straight out in this image is the current first branch in the above photos.

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