White specs in my JWP soil..?


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Canary Islands , Spain. Europe
Today I inspected the soil on my (very weak) JWP and saw this white stuff around the trunk and roots. Not bugs, but something like calcium litlle particles:

Do you know what it is and how to get rid of them?
Perlite, maybe? If it dries, it can float so if you submerge your pot in a bucket, it will float up.
Scoop it out of the bucket with a sieve or something and you will get rid of it.
Perlite, maybe? If it dries, it can float so if you submerge your pot in a bucket, it will float up.
Scoop it out of the bucket with a sieve or something and you will get rid of it.
Nope, those particles were not there a couple of months ago, and I have never ever used perlite in my soils. It seems, they are more abundant the closer we get to the trunk.... I should have to add that there is some kind of white dust in some of the buds....
From your video It looks to be inorganic - could it be fertiliser granules or mycorrhizal additive?
From your video It looks to be inorganic - could it be fertiliser granules or mycorrhizal additive?
No, haven´t ever used any of those.... I usually inspect the soil looking for the needed mycorrhiza, but since it was repoted 2 years ago I have never found it.
Can you crush them in between your fingers and are they powdery? How do they smell?
It could be excess resin but also maybe dead mealy bugs or root aphids.
Root aphids were my first thought. Especially since you mentioned the tree was weak. I googled root aphids and root aphid eggs and what you have does resemble some pictures but the fact they are powdery doesn't make sense if they are aphids or their eggs. Have you made any progress?
Root aphids were my first thought. Especially since you mentioned the tree was weak. I googled root aphids and root aphid eggs and what you have does resemble some pictures but the fact they are powdery doesn't make sense if they are aphids or their eggs. Have you made any progress?
No, I think it is an inorganic matter. After some research, I have still no clue on what is going on. I've applied sistemics, and I will likely make a repot to change the soil.....
Perhaps fert from the original soil it was in, or perlite from original soil, like under the shin? It could take a while to move up through the soil to surface. It crushes powdery.

Repotting a weak tree to cure something that you don't know is actually an issue sounds risky to me. YMMV.
If you repot your "very weak JWP " at this time of year you could make it even weaker unless you simply slip pot without disturbing the roots, into a larger container with suitable free-draining growing medium . Whats the point in applying systemic pesticide where there is no diagnosed pest problem? It could further stress an already weak tree.
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