Try Amazon [ UK ]
Seller was from Germany.
I shipped from Germany to Greece.
Suggestion - ask Shibui [ member here ] how to
root cuttings, when the seedlings show their quality.
There is a chance for a 2.5 cm needle pine.
Make life easy.
Fwschumaker is very good price.. and 1400 seeds in an ounce for $8 and all sank in water and have over 1000 sprouted in a week with no pre treatment
Here is their shipping page...not sure of cost...send an email
They ship to Europe, and since Ireland will still stay an essential part of the "E Pluribus Unum" of the Old Europe, there souldn't be any problem to get seeds from them, even after Oct. 1st OK, joking apart,
Semez des graines de pin noir du Japon et voyez pousser ce conifère aux bourgeons très décoratifs avec des aiguilles rigides et vert foncé. Parfait pour vos bonsaïs ! Venez découvrir toutes les graines de conifères à stratifier et à semer sur notre boutique en ligne ! Livraison et Paiements...
"Quantité" : 5 means a minimum oreder is 5 grammes (about 50 seeds).
This is where I ordered my seeds. I have ordered other species too, and I've never been disappointed, I think I alreday mentioned it, and I repeat : there is no quid pro quo, I'm just a very satisfied customer.
OOPS. Sorry, scrolled down the page after posting and I can read : "Rupture de stock " (out of stock)