Where Can I Buy a Chojubaj?


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Sandhills of North Carolina
Could anyone please tell me where I could aquire a few chojubai quince cuttings or young plants from? Must be able to ship them. Looking for only the red flowering variety.

Thanks in advance,

Might try Scott over at Blue River Bonsai, or Colin Lewis. Both seem to sell a bunch on bonsai auctions
Check Brent at evergreengardenworks, though I'm not sure if he has any of the red at this time.
I've had hit or miss luck with Brent and chojubai cuttings. He sometimes has to buy them from another grower and availability from him was spotty last spring. I eventually got a cutting...rest in peace. I've purchased a more established one from Don, and just purchased one from Colin tonight...no lie!
I have one from Brent, a white flowering chojubai. It's not much, especially since during its first winter the bark got girdled by voles or mice. Fortunately it grew two new shoots from below that spot but it's going to be years and years before it develops any size. They are somewhat slow.

I'd like to add a red but not sure if Brent will have them in the spring. Not willing to pay the kinds of prices more developed plants command. Glad to hear that you got something, though!
Check with Brent, availability is low though, this year there was a 1 plant limit per person on the reds. I got a red and 3 whites and they are developing very well.
I've had hit or miss luck with Brent and chojubai cuttings. He sometimes has to buy them from another grower and availability from him was spotty last spring. I eventually got a cutting...rest in peace. I've purchased a more established one from Don, and just purchased one from Colin tonight...no lie!
Stop hogging them all! Lol!
Anywhere they will ship it to me accidentally!

I've had hit or miss luck with Brent and chojubai cuttings. He sometimes has to buy them from another grower and availability from him was spotty last spring. I eventually got a cutting...rest in peace. I've purchased a more established one from Don, and just purchased one from Colin tonight...no lie!
was it a smaller plant?

Like coh said, I am unwilling to pay the price of a specimen one.
was it a smaller plant?

Like coh said, I am unwilling to pay the price of a specimen one.
Small is relative with bonsai material, and chojubai in particular. The tree I picked up is shohin sized, still in development, has a main trunk maybe 1/2" diameter...and it still cost a butt load.
Julian Adams had rooted cuttings earlier in the year. Probably a long shot and he doesn't advertise them on his site, but another place you could check.
Small is relative with bonsai material, and chojubai in particular. The tree I picked up is shohin sized, still in development, has a main trunk maybe 1/2" diameter...and it still cost a butt load.
Thats 'big' for chojubai.

You should post pictures of it! In another thread about it.
I contacted Colin and he said he has some but they cant be shipped until march.

Thanks for the replies so far.
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