So hard to make good advice from 2 D photos of just a part of a tree. Try closing one eye and looking at just one section and trying to decide what to do with the entire structure. We need all the clues of point of origin, shape, direction, length, relation to nearby branching/trunk/roots to make an informed decision. With 2 eyes and opportunity to look at different angles you have that info but I only have a couple of 2D photos.
After years of experience I have come up with a couple of generalizations that may help.
1. If in doubt cut it off. We all seem to have a tendency to keep more than necessary in the beginning. Eventually I discovered that less is almost always more in bonsai.
2. Good ramification trumps size and often trumps placement - but only a good view in 3D can confirm that. In most cases I'll keep a better ramified branch rather than a thicker one next to it.
Just looking at 2D photos I'd be taking off even more than just one branch but that can probably wait until one grows a bit first. You will see when it is ready.