Whats your Username Origin or meaning?

I'd prefer not. The member started with a R rated name, I changed it, and then he ended up getting banned for posting porn. And here people thought bonsai web sites were boring :)
I think I remember that person :rolleyes:
Farscape character. Sci-Fi geeks will get it.
I've been rewatching Stargate, and it's amazing all the actors that do a lot of sci-fi. Actors from Star Trek, Firefly, Farscape, etc. etc.

It's like picking out British actors in a medieval show (or Doctor Who).
I used to sell Australian native fish to aquarium enthusiasts many moons ago.
One of the first fish i purchased for myselk was a beautiful, chrome coloured Tarpon that turned a gorgeous metallic emerald colour when the light hit his scales the right way...so i ended up calling the business "Emerald tarpon native fish nursery".
(Move forward several years) - I moved into bonsai and started selling pre-bonsai market stock etc and thought the name emerald tarpon sounded kind of asian-ish so i just joined the two words together and called myself Emeraldtarpon Bonsai.
I was on the Ebay sellers forum once and someone asked about my user name and when i told them they hilariously replied "Oh,i thought you had an emerald ute with a tarp on it LOL.
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