I’m also in a very hard water area.
I have 2 large water butts which I used for watering during the first 6-10 months of my Bonsai career.. I then turned to tap water off suggestion from here and research. Yes you get some white build at times, I mostly notice it on the base or surface roots/wood of my chinese elms and on the leaves of my olive.
I do not believe it’s harmful. I’ve tries a spray of 1 teaspoon vinegar to 1 litre of water, sprayed all over the tree, inside if it helped really but it comes recommended online.
I tend to water the soil not the trees although once growth has hardened off in summer, I should water the whole tree (I’m not gonna argue with Walter P on this one, he said it and I completely agree).
Main reason I wait for hardening is cos of black spot on elms (even though I’ve treated them with a systematic fungicide specifically for black spot). Prevention over cure and all that.
My summary? Don’t worry. The white you see may well be the extent of it. And it’ll not build up anymore.. try the spray if you like
@Ingvill ? It can’t hurt and if it helps, great. Let me know if it works