What inspires you?

Thanks for the welcome… any particular nature scenes that have inspired you?
In New Zealand we had the Pink and White terraces before they were taken out by an eruption, while hunting down info the Yellowstone thermal pools grabbed my attention, the size the colours, we have heaps of thermal activity in NZ but nothing like that.
Recently I've been working on my Giants Causeway pot, naturally formed stone pillars.
The rock layers of the Grand Canyon and suchlike erosion is also interesting, the environment screams hardship.
If you would like to be inspired by bonsai made in the image of the Eastern mountains, read Arthur Joura's Curator's Journal (curatorsjournal.net). He is at the North Carolina Arboretum. We have a lot of trees for inspiration in the Smokies!
I love that bit at the end… I wonder about what the real draw to bonsai is. Do we want to feel larger than life, to tower over trees and subjugate them? Are we creating miniaturized worlds to live out our fantasies? Are we trying to observe the principles of nature in the comfort of our homes with minimal exposure to danger? Who knows?
I just love working with the trees the way they are...😁
The first thing that inspired my interest in bonsai was the movie "Karate Kid" when I was 13/14 years old. After that movie, I bought a couple of books at the book store and started reading about it.
There was no internet and my little local library didnt have any books on it.

Now, just seeing little trees in pots that look like decades or older trees are what inspire me. I still think they are just so cool
If you would like to be inspired by bonsai made in the image of the Eastern mountains, read Arthur Joura's Curator's Journal (curatorsjournal.net). He is at the North Carolina Arboretum. We have a lot of trees for inspiration in the Smokies!
Thanks for the suggestion, I subscribed!
I walk the woods here in Kentucky often. Though ancient trees were all chopped down long ago, nature still gives me a lot of inspiration. I have been digging a lot of smaller hornbeam material lately, I have plans to plant some forests that mimic the limestone and sandstone cliff lines that are common in Eastern Kentucky.
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