What have you bought in a moment of weakness, that you didn't need?

I think I will check on Monday and see if they have more of these 4 for 1 azaleas. That way I can plants one group in the ground and see if they winter, and another in pots.
The two variegated one are making me crazy, especially the spotted one. How unusual.
I think I will check on Monday and see if they have more of these 4 for 1 azaleas. That way I can plants one group in the ground and see if they winter, and another in pots.
The two variegated one are making me crazy, especially the spotted one. How unusual.
There's a reason for that 'draw'.. I wouldn't resist, as long as I was able. :)
Bought an Autumn Chiffon Azalea from Wilson Brothers yesterday.


Didnโ€™t need it but HAD TO HAVE IT๐Ÿคฃ

I limited myself to just one this time.

But theyโ€™ll be getting more of my business as they have really good prices and free shipping and since I created quite a wish list on their website.
This may be a hair brained idea, but I was in Walmart (yuck) today, which is a rare event in and of itself, and I was tempted by this azalea combo planted. There are four small azaleas here of different cultivars. After bloom I will split them up and grow them on. I am certain they will require extra winter protection in my coldframe.
Didn't need it but I was intrigued. It was only $10.
View attachment 420094View attachment 420095View attachment 420096View attachment 420097View attachment 420098 I am a sucker for soft pink and variegation so I couldn't pass on it.
$10 what a deal!
The local nursery my daughter worked at last summer had 15 different flavors of mint plants in 2" pots. I bought one of each :) AND, because I know first hand how invasive mint is in the ground, a pot for each!

We've got acreage in the new house though...so each apple tree will get a different mint to accompany it :)
I think I will check on Monday and see if they have more of these 4 for 1 azaleas. That way I can plants one group in the ground and see if they winter, and another in pots.
The two variegated one are making me crazy, especially the spotted one. How unusual.
I went to the more local Wal-mart today and they had the ones that you got with the different varieties. I didn't get it seeing that I had already bought the one pink one for myself for Valentines day, which is not a holiday we really celebrate anyway. I didn't want to take advantage of his credit card. I suspect these are Florist Azaleas and would not survive a winter here.
I bought one off eBay and I got a dead plant in a ceramic bowl planted in sand with no drainage hole. Was about $100 bucks. :(
I recall you mentioning this before. I can find you 100 decent ones on a day hike, or helping neighbors clear the ditch line, and it's about that time of year, so just let me know. Might ask for help with shipping is all.
I bought one off eBay and I got a dead plant in a ceramic bowl planted in sand with no drainage hole. Was about $100 bucks. :(
Me too ..mine was about $100 also and I kept it outside in the winter and the whole time I didn't know if it was dead or alive because it looked the same (This was a couple months into my bonsai journey) ...Finally threw it out in the summer when the look of it didn't change at all and no budding. Even now when think about it I still don't know if it was dead or alive ๐Ÿ˜‚
Possibly, it depends what genders grow but some of the seeds were a variety of kiwiberry. The other seeds are definitely not something edible ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
I'm going to try the kiwi berries some time. A couple years ago they were selling them as woody starts at one garden center in town, but I didn't know anything about them at the time.
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