Thanks for the advice! But I've actually made up my mind to keep temperate trees(kinda stubborn so sorry) and my humidity rn is actually at avg 79 % so kinda high... What else can I do to elevate the health of the tree? And coming to air layering what if I just put a pot around the trunk with substrate without damaging the bark will it send out roots or should I use some wire?They grow tropicals because that's what survives well in your climate. I'd take that to heart. You maple isn't a logical or capable bonsai candidate in your climate.
BTW, cutting roots is only one way you disturb the roots. Barerooting it and placing it in new soil out of season is another form of root disturbance. Roots disturbed in that manner don't function optimally (or at all) for a long while after. Misting is a pretty bad practice for any outdoor tree. It doesn't provide any benefit, as outdoor humidity is more than adequate--unless you live in a desert. It's simply not necessary and has a steep downside by keeping the tree too wet.