What a club can do with collection efforts


Spuds Moyogi
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Fairfax Va.
Very interesting news story of local bonsai club reaching out as a group to a landowner to get material. Sounds like the club leadership has its shit together and pitched the landowner on "not wasting" material and "repurposing" it in a novel way. Good for them!

Yeah, the only trick is hearing about the landscaping project before the plants end up in the landfill. Helps to have some well placed ears in the landscaping industry.
It’s not that hard finding opportunities like that. But ones with great material it can be. Not downplaying it all, I think it’s great! I’ve had a few with little effort. The only problem is when it’s just me it’s not serious enough and seems like more of a liability. I tried several times. When you offer to have a team come and offer to pretty much do a sufficient amount of needed work for free with a good cause. It becomes a more serious proposal. Also since the team can be vetted with horticultural experience. The bottom line is what matters to these owners or property managers. @rockm thanks for sharing! Sounds like the leadership is active in the community. Great story!
Property managers (NMU Foundation) probably saw a good story for them. The story didn't wind up in the local news by chance...Something for everyone.
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