What’s your latest Bonsai related purchase?

It is if you live in a place with a reasonable standard of living. I retired 8 years ago after making half of that for the last half of my career. I would imagine $40/hr. wouldn't get you much in New York city or L.A.

It also matters how old you are. If you got your apartment a long time ago when rent was three digits, and you don't have student loan debt, then you might be able to stretch that $40/hour pretty far. You might even be able to support a family.
It is if you live in a place with a reasonable standard of living. I retired 8 years ago after making half of that for the last half of my career. I would imagine $40/hr. wouldn't get you much in New York city or L.A.
You mean where most package deliveries occur? Yeah it probably wouldn’t, kind of a problem lol
Picked up a Kiyohime root over rock from Scott Chad at Lotus Bonsai this morning. I had first seen it back in January when I first visited the nursery. I saw it again in February at the Shohin Seminar in Santa Nella. I liked the tree, but still wasn't sure on pulling the trigger. Glad I finally did.
I think this might be a better front, IDK.
I was ABOUT to recommend these folks. I've also been happy with the plants I've received from them.
Just received my first shipment from Musser and am beyond pleased. A $10 Japanese maple that is incredibly healthy and about 2 feet tall. Also, I only ordered three cedar of Lebanon and they sent me 11! Also a golden Hinoki Cypress for six dollars and is also beyond what you’d expect. About $35 shipped for all of this. Very solid nursery!
It also matters how old you are. If you got your apartment a long time ago when rent was three digits, and you don't have student loan debt, then you might be able to stretch that $40/hour pretty far. You might even be able to support a family.
$40/hr won't cut it here. A 16 year old at McDonalds makes $20/hr.

It's absolutely ridiculous. We plan on moving to somewhere much more reasonable.
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