What’s Wrong With People - Eastern Leaf Theft

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Not really sure “God” has any role here, but people sure are horrible to each other whether in the name of “God” or not. Pretty sure more people have died in the name of someone else’s version of god than from all of those zealous true atheists out there, but what do I know other than history, law, political science, facts, etc.

In any event, I hope those responsible have an interlude of conscience and return them, get caught, or receive a nice beating. Chickenshit.
Godlessness is the root of dishonor, dishonesty, profane living, all that is sin. It is the greatest social evil.
Stop spreading your fairy tales. This is a bonsai website. Lets talk trees not personal life convictions.
YOUR life choices do NOT make those of other people wrong. Open your eyes and see the misery spread in name of religions before you start spewing your venom.

Just look at the large scale supression and suffering caused:
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Godlessness is the root of dishonor, dishonesty, profane living, all that is sin. It is the greatest social evil.
Should we talk about how many televangelists have had to confess to those things. My godlessness leads to volunteering to help the homeless, free remodeling of homes for people living with multiple sclerosis, having a beautiful family, creating beautiful (kinda) non-stolen (yet) bonsai trees, having a successful business, and most importantly raising kids who don't judge, but look to help less fortunate people when and where they can. Although, yeah, I use profanity occasionally. (is that profane living? sorry, I'm not up on the jargon and how to judge other people as if I were god)

Sorry for being part of derailing this thread too. Back to Eastern Leaf and their sadness.
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Another example of why I like my dogs more than most people

I felt for him when I listened to him talk about his trees.

Seems like the thieves knew what they were after. And yes it's a lack of moral character that let's people think it's perfectly fine to do something like this.
Unfortunately I think we are going to see more thefts as bonsai's exposure to the average joe grows, lots of people have been looking for hobbies due to lockdown etc.

Interest in bonsai has grown so more thieves are aware of bonsai and the price they can command. Very sad I hope they find the twats who did this, but they probably wont the thieves will have a hard time selling the trees and will probably dispose them.
The Book never said God is present in, or delivered to us via an institution.

We mustn't allow the inevitable corruption of an institution to blind us to the fact the We are God.

Don't reject Him, as rejecting him his rejecting Yourself.

You must avoid the thorns to safely enjoy the rose.

The Book never said God is present in, or delivered to us via an institution.

We mustn't allow the inevitable corruption of an institution to blind us to the fact the We are God.

Don't reject Him, as rejecting him his rejecting Yourself.

You must avoid the thorns to safely enjoy the rose.

No thanks more modern better written fairy tales exist all hail lord voldemort:p
The Book never said God is present in, or delivered to us via an institution.

We mustn't allow the inevitable corruption of an institution to blind us to the fact the We are God.

Don't reject Him, as rejecting him his rejecting Yourself.

You must avoid the thorns to safely enjoy the rose.

The Bible ONLY says, “When Two or more are gathered in HIS name, God is present”.. so two people.. talking ‘bout Je-sus... THAT’s church...

The Bible is a good read (Harry Potter IS better).. gotta read the whole thing before you can criticize.. most criticize WITHOUT understanding... I criticize WITH. .

Siddhartha is a MUCH better “read”, in my opinion.
This is an odd thread...😵 Anyway,hope the trees are recovered. Focusing on the trees--let's spread the video. Make it hard to sell those stolen trees. From the looks of it, the thieves were after more advanced bonsai. They seem to have pre-selected which to take. That might mean they have a buyer or a market in mind. Keep an eye out, these might turn up.
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