What’s Wrong With My - Ume / Prunus Mume and also Nanking Cherry?

I think those bumps are lenticels—a mechanism for plants to exchange gasses with the atmosphere.

Did a quick Google search.... aren't lenticels elongated and scales round? I read that's how you distinguish them from each other.

The dots I have look very similar to San Jose Scale pics I see on Google.

I can also scrape them off with my fingernail (which means it isn't part of the tree)
Oooh, dang. Then maybe those are scales! I’ve definitely seen them round and easily removed. I was hopeful from what I could see in the photo.

I recommend gentle, manual cleanup for scale. It’s gross, but effective and very low impact for the living things you want to remain living.
Sprayed yesterday with horticulture/all-seasons/mineral oil... will follow up with another spray in a week.

Might also feed it systemic to be safe (I don't plan to eat its' fruits anyways for a few years... since it's still in development and all fruits will be removed for optimal growth).
With the hot hot weather finally cooling down a bit, my small/slow-growing Pink Ume recently and finally sent 1 new small growth/shoot (4-5" so far) on 1 of its' branch tips. But, still nothing like my White Ume growth... which continually sends multiple countless long shoots measured in feet already.

I also fed the Pink Ume systemic last weekend, just to be safe because those tiny red/brown spots I see might be scale.


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Mine does fine in full sun... both of mine are next to south facing walls (north side of yard), and/or west-side of house - sunniest areas of my yard.
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