Welcome visitors to the garden

One thing I noticed about snakes....
Once they realize that you're not going to hurt them and they also realize how warm your body temperature is, they usually snuggle right up next to you like a little puppy.

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With all that said, I would never keep a snake as a pet. Just not my style.
Too true.
I worked with snakes at a pet store when I was younger... the only snake to ever bite me was when I was trying to put a snuggler back in his cage. Snakes were always great to work with, but I wouldn't want to take one home. The experience certainly taught me what to not keep as a pet!
Birds of prey are interesting. 15 years ago, my wife was training a standard poodle puppy in our backyard. The puppy was fairly big, at about 45 lbs (headed towards 75 lbs). The puppy was on a leash, and a great horned owl flew down out of a tree to within a few feet of it and my wife, and landed to ascertain the situation. There was ZERO chance of this owl taking this dog... physically impossible. All we could figure is the fuzzy puppy may have resembled a lamb, or some other defenseless prey enough to cause confusion.
Overnight we have had another visitor. Unfortunately this one did not make it home again and was found dead in the garden from causes unknown.

I know that this will look like a squirrel to many of you and therefore conjure feelings of dislike or revenge. We don't have to suffer squirrels. This is a sugar glider - a type of possum. You may be able to make out the flap of skin between front and back legs. These cute little guys leap off a tall tree, stretch out all 4 legs and glide from tree to tree.
Diet is insects and sap from some eucalypts and acacias so they do not bother any bonsai.




Overnight we have had another visitor. Unfortunately this one did not make it home again and was found dead in the garden from causes unknown.

I know that this will look like a squirrel to many of you and therefore conjure feelings of dislike or revenge. We don't have to suffer squirrels. This is a sugar glider - a type of possum. You may be able to make out the flap of skin between front and back legs. These cute little guys leap off a tall tree, stretch out all 4 legs and glide from tree to tree.
Diet is insects and sap from some eucalypts and acacias so they do not bother any bonsai.

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Wow! Echidnas and sugar gliders... I saw a rat earlier by us.
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