Welcome visitors to the garden

Ain't that a leaf hopper? An UNWANTED visitor in the garden?

Red back jumping spider. Most common and largest jumping spider in the Midwest/Western US

They, and other bugs somehow find their way into my room!
Our resident male Satin Bower bird has assembled his courting display in the garden this year.
Not a nest. These bowers are built by the males just to attract girls.
In the old days there was only blue flowers and feathers. Now there's lots of better choices for decorations.

And here he is. This photo taken last year when he got inside the net we put over the olive trees.
Dang! They are almost cute at that size.
I think they're cute at any size. They are quite amazing creatures.....a blast from the prehistoric past. Why on earth would they evolve so their young would hatch in the fall? Some eggs can even over-winter and hatch in the spring. I think these guys just over-winter in my pond because there is a mass exodus in the spring where they're all moving down my driveway, heading for greener pastures. Mom must eat their young! :eek: :eek:

Oh I know what they grow into, I just love baby animals. Baby snakes are about my favorite.
BTW, those snappers are delicious, but a lot of work.
Ya know, those shells could be edible if battered in Chuck Wagon & deep fried?
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