Weird growth in Amur maple roots


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Denver, CO
Over the summer, this strange growth appeared on the roots of my Amur maple. Anyone knows what it is? What is the best way to deal with it? Thanks!20180826_182650.jpg20180826_182701.jpg
So thia guy wasnt a goner, after all. Last year, I bare rooted it and with a very sharp knife cut out as much of the growth as I could. It stopped growing and sort of callused over, leaving an interesting uro. Thi20200504_124505.jpgs year, I chopped the trunk (from 5 ft 8 to 4.5 inches) and now it is beginning to grow out. I am aiming for a shohin sizes broom with this guy, making the uro a focal point.
So I was in bed for about a week with what my dr said it could be a bad cold or COVID-19, but since there are not test for everyone, unless you work in the White House... anyways, this guy has been growing and I am happy with the results. I will apply some wire as soon as the shoots begin to lignify a bit. But now I am wondering how to shorten the internodes. Any suggestions?20200512_120700.jpg
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