Weeping Ryusen Maple...

To me the beauty of it is the full weeping canopy. I wouldn't care if it is ugly as sin without the leaves but I don't think it will be.
You and I are of the same belief. To me...the canopy of colors in fall...is enough.

I also do ugly...embracing it. If you seen some of my holiday decor. You would nod an understanding.
Meet ugly...lol honestly I see two branches that could be removed. The one I always intended...the lower right thickest one that juts out to far in my opinion. And...the one above it on the trunk which crosses the trunk. That also juts out to far from the trunk. The last...doesn't overly concern me. In leaf it is lovely. But the lower one...in time will be removed. Who knows...spring might be a good time to remove it. To lesson the scar than allow it to get thicker. But the branch I plan to keep by the scar area should help it heal.

Again...potting this tree. Was only to bring life back into my husband's favorite tree which sustained significant die back from a harsh winter. If one wishes to be critical...you are welcome to. I have thick skin...but, as I said...I don't see this as part of my bonsai collection. But I do admire it's foliage when in leaf...and come fall...a lovely treat.

Interestingly, to me, this embodies the look that is often attempted when trying to emulate weeping willows......but obviously much more naturally. I personally don't find it ugly at all and would be happy to have it as part of a collection.
Interestingly, to me, this embodies the look that is often attempted when trying to emulate weeping willows......but obviously much more naturally. I personally don't find it ugly at all and would be happy to have it as part of a collection.

Honestly I haven't paid much attention to this other than horticultural care. I expected it to look much worse to be honest. Because I don't study it for bonsai techniques. It was really rough at the beginning.

I will always see this as my husband's tree. It sits in a tub on a barstool in the greenhouse...taking up space. But fall colors this year were amazing! I think fall is the time it rewards me for not putting it in the compost pile.
Yikes. You do trees better than holiday decorations. That's for sure. I think either shorten the one on the right so that it may just touch the soil or remove altogether. Other than that I say keep them all
@drew33998 ... Lol Snagglepuss isn't for everyone. He is full of textures which I love. I recall bringing him home around Christmas time a few years back. My husband asked if he was a gift for someone? I looked at him like he lost his mind...then replied..."Are you nuts! Look at this thing...it's hideous! In a good way to my thinking...but many won't like him." He's my winter scarecrow...the men in the house call him a zombie snowman. Lol but he has a mouse that chewed into his belly...so has to be a scarecrow.

Honestly...the lower branch has bothered me even in leaf. I could toss some wire on it maybe...or if the top fills in it may not look so out of place. Which was my waiting. But, it bugged me this fall, so something needs done with it. Since I classify this tree as my husband's...even though I take care of it. I am in no rush to do much with it. But it needs a bit of work in just an overall cleaning up. Even landscape get that.
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