Wedge cut and bend on Ume?

Thanks Frank, I have since been playing around with angles and won’t be bending this one, but am still curious about the hollowing/bending for the future should the need arise.

The one in this post I’ll probably just angle like you’ve mentioned with the initial part of the trunk closer to the horizontal and the roots on the upper side worked in a way to accomplish the move 👍🏻
I’ll create a progress thread for my Umes in spring, I’ve got another big one in a grow bed that’s also progressing nicely. The base below the soil is about as wide as the length of your hand

View attachment 496264
Two personal thoughts to pass along!
1. Small changes in Bonsai can have a big effect. I like to try those first before more aggressive techniques.
2. Ume with their natural growth patterns make incredible specimens for more upright design patterns. If you have the time wire some young cuttings for Literati down the road. Their natural fast growing green shoots can easily be wired as they grow for unexpected turns and abrupt changes. The key is to start with the seedling or cutting stage and wire as they extend rapidly. I prefer thicker aluminum wire for this practise. 2.5 to 3 mm.
The key is to do it early! I did the same after they got to slightly-smaller-than-pencil thickness. At that point I wasn't able to get the movement I really wanted, but made do with what I had. Some broke and that doesn't seem to be the worst thing in the world as it adds angularity.
2. Ume with their natural growth patterns make incredible specimens for more upright design patterns. If you have the time wire some young cuttings for Literati down the road.

I think this point demands a lot of emphasis, probably my first or second favorite Ume I've ever seen has some features that many would consider detrimental from a design perspective. Ultimately with proper styling it synthesizes into a very unique and elegant piece of material.

perfect mume.png
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