This works very reliably. I have many larger Ume that I use as parent plants for cuttings. I am constantly snagging and bumping into them, and breaking branches. Branches that are hanging by a a thread--literally suspended and rotating like a bungee jumper--have healed if stabilized with tissue being moderately aligned. Those that I have allowed to thicken have done well; I have some going back to 2018, they are perfectly-healed right-angle branches now.
Back to the main question: Without having seen the branch in question I think that, in general, a wedge cut in an Ume is likely to snap completely say, for example, if you're removing 30-50% of the wood and trying to bend the remaining tissue 30 to 45 degrees.
I agree with Brian. Aesthetic options are nearly unlimited with Ume. Post a picture and I'm sure we'll find better, safer options.
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