Website certificate expired

Yes, same here. Maybe Greg can address this during the holidays.

If not, you need to manually select to ingore this error. It should be completely harmless to do so. But if you can read this, you already did so.
I did nothing :)

Every now and then, "automatic" features of technology decide not to work... and I never understand why. I checked the site last night, and I couldn't find a problem, and manually running the AutoSSL update routine did not fix the issue (it should have). The only thing Internet searches revealed is that other sites had had sporadic problems in the past with the same service. I submitted a support ticket to our host and went to bed, and ten minutes later when I checked the site from my tablet, it was working :)

Bonsai and web site maintenance both teach patience :) I could have started breaking things last night trying to fix a problem that wasn't broken (at least on our side).
Whew! I was freaking out when I couldn't pull up my favorite website and get my fix. Welcome back!

It's important to note - the website was not down. The security certificate was expired (for a couple of hours) and your web browser was blocking access. Some browsers will give you a security warning and then allow you to proceed to the site if you click through a warning message, but other browsers will block you outright - making it look like the site is down or "moved" when the site is still up. It is pretty much a sledgehammer approach to ensuring security of the site data stream. Important if you are working with financial transactions. Less important if you are viewing pics of bonsai.

Though you can have a certificate that lasts as long as 27 months, industry standards suggest that you update more frequently. For we update the certificate every 90 days... which is great as long as the update service you use actually works :) There is a manual process I could follow, but it requires a little time, and is easy to forget if you are constantly having to refresh the certificate every 90 days... for all of your domains and sub-domains.

More than you ever wanted to know about SSL Validation.
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After cooking and cleaning all day I was all ready to relax and hang out here, no go. :eek: Glad it's back and yes, thank you @Bonsai Nut for all you do. Merry Christmas to you and yours!
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