watering can

... my wife will never notice a new tree purchase, bring home a bright red watering can, multi-colored porcelain gecko, my wife will spot it a mile away.

I bought a new DVD recorder. It took me days to decide which to buy. I wanted the right one for my needs and didn't want to pay the moon for one that had a trillion functions that I will never use. My wife was very supportive when I brought it home, but her only comment was, "Wow! It looks really nice!"
Yes indeed, there was advice by another member lordy that stated the plastic Haws was resilient and a lot lighter then the Galvanized I have. Also the coating one that gets stained by fertilizer and the plastic seems ok. If I startup again in Spring I will be getting a plastic Haws for fertilizer and use the heavy can out front watering on landscape plants.

Sounds like a good idea to me!
Plastic Kakuichi: Cheap, effective, long-lasting. No seams/soldering to burst like the expensive brass water can I had before this one. My bonsai can be complicated, intricate, and sensitive - my watering can is simple and trouble-free.
I also have a plastic one, it's awesome. Why is the nozzle pointed up, i like it pointed down more, am i doing something wrong?
I also have a plastic one, it's awesome. Why is the nozzle pointed up, i like it pointed down more, am i doing something wrong?
I get a better arch that way. The object is to allowed the water to "rain" down of its own accord .... rather than dump it on the plant by forcing the volume of water behind it.
I get a better arch that way. The object is to allowed the water to "rain" down of its own accord .... rather than dump it on the plant by forcing the volume of water behind it.
I don't know the acceleration rate and the terminal velocity of water, but nozzle up or down it is still 'pushed' (and falling by gravity) out of the water can.
I don't know the acceleration rate and the terminal velocity of water, but nozzle up or down it is still 'pushed' you of the water can and i don't think there is much difference in speed.
You asked me "why". Call my reasoning only imagination, if that's what it is. Why do you like yours "down"?
You asked me "why". Call my reasoning only imagination, if that's what it is. Why do you like yours "down"?
It looks better :)

Now i think of it, i water close to the soil (with the nozzle as close as possible down to the soil).

p.s.; Wiki knows all: "(a device, like a cap, with small holes) can be placed to break up the stream of water into droplets, to avoid excessive water pressure on the soil or on delicate plants.)"
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I will have to practise watering with the nozzle up, i sure want to look cool while watering my bonsai ofcourse.

Cool or not Cypress, I'm sure that your charm is enough to see you through the rough patches in life. :D
Are you guys kidding?
Really? You water with watering cans? Worried about disturbing the soil? Water droplet size?
I just stand there and drench the whole tree until water is gushing out of the bottom. With a wand on a garden hose. From the dollar store. Then come back and do it again once I get to the end of the trees.
I have to use a watering can to fertilize and hate it. It takes 2 hours by hand.
I speak tree. The longer I can stand with can in hand, the better I get to know them :p
I speak tree. The longer I can stand with can in hand, the better I get to know them :p

You'll be standing there a long time when you're looking at more than 200 trees in pots,buckets and colanders.
So 207 in total?

Cuz that one maple sure ain't no beauty!



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