Due to working hours from 9-5, I sometimes don't get home until late at night. Is watering at night detrimental or is it okay to do? The other time I could water is before I leave for work. Thanks for helping!
Due to working hours from 9-5, I sometimes don't get home until late at night. Is watering at night detrimental or is it okay to do? The other time I could water is before I leave for work. Thanks for helping!
I'm kinda curious to find out what happens from 5 in the afternoon till "late at night".
Anyone else want to know about that?
I water evenings bout 8 after kids go down. I'd do mornings but if kids are up early and I gotta get to work it can get hectic. I'm out there watering trees and there's a 1 and 3 yr old screaming and my wife all stressed looking at me like what the f$&@ are you doing watering plants right now? I'm outside thinking forecast is dry and 88 deg no way I'm leavin 'em all day to bake. Probably TMI for you all but you can picture that sippin a beer and watering them at 8pm seems a little nicer. Plants don't seem to care. Lots of insect issues this yr but no fungal probs yet so seems fine.