Watering at Night?


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Boston, MA
Due to working hours from 9-5, I sometimes don't get home until late at night. Is watering at night detrimental or is it okay to do? The other time I could water is before I leave for work. Thanks for helping!
Due to working hours from 9-5, I sometimes don't get home until late at night. Is watering at night detrimental or is it okay to do? The other time I could water is before I leave for work. Thanks for helping!

If these are the two choices, early evening/night is the better time to water because trees typically recharge the xylem paths over night. On a hot day, the transpiration rate will exceed the rate at which water can be supplied to the foliage. Typically the tree will shut down (transpiration and photosynthesis) in the afternoon because of this. Of course, you should not 'over water' (i.e., water even when the soil is still damp) and you should always water when the soil is dry and certainly if the tree loosing turgidity (i.e., new shoots droop, leaves hang limply).

Finally, I'm sure that you will get advice to not water at night because of 'fungus issues'. IMHO this is largely some over-hyped 'hoo-doo', but use your judgement about whether you sprinkle your trees' foliage when you are watering. For about 9 months out of the year it rains where I live - often at night! - and neither the forest trees, trees in my landscape, nor my trees in pots have fungus problems. Well, come to think of it I did have a mild case of needle cast on a golden black pine, but that is it for the last 7 years.
I'm kinda curious to find out what happens from 5 in the afternoon till "late at night".

Anyone else want to know about that?

I am curious too, Smoke.

Being a long time shift worker, I water my trees at odd hours and have no set time to do it. My trees have suffered no ill effects from it. To me, it is just important to make sure that they consistantly get enough water.

I agree with 0soyoung on his thoughts on watering at night. I have done it plenty of times and have had no fungus issues.
If you live in a hot area and they dry and don't have water during the day you may find them pretty weepy at the end of the day. By watering at night you give an extra 10 to 12 hours for the pots to drain and dry out, and not have water available to the trees while the sun is on them. My vote is water in the morning before you leave, then check them when you return.
I've watered in the evening for the past few years and never had a problem. After a long hot sunny day, I think it's probably better to water in the evening so that the plants have a chance to recuperate. By the next morning, the soil is still moist and has time to dry out over the course of the day.

That being said, when I used to water my lawn in the evening, I had lots of fungal issues. I just don't think you get those kinds of issues with bonsai soil mix.
I am in Ohio in the summer and take my trees to Florida during the winter months, so my advice may not be relevant to your trees. In Ohio we have hot weather and drying winds all or most summer, I water every morning and then again in the evening and everything is happy. . I always soak the whole tree leaves and all too, just to cool them down.

In Florida we have warm weather during the winter with a few cold days, its also very humid so I water each morning and they are still slightly damp down in the soil in the evening. We get rain some nights too which does not seem to bother them, but when we get rain at night I do not water the next morning

I water evenings bout 8 after kids go down. I'd do mornings but if kids are up early and I gotta get to work it can get hectic. I'm out there watering trees and there's a 1 and 3 yr old screaming and my wife all stressed looking at me like what the f$&@ are you doing watering plants right now? I'm outside thinking forecast is dry and 88 deg no way I'm leavin 'em all day to bake. Probably TMI for you all but you can picture that sippin a beer and watering them at 8pm seems a little nicer. Plants don't seem to care. Lots of insect issues this yr but no fungal probs yet so seems fine.
Actually,,there really is no issue about watering at night. Chances are, everyone is not available to just sit with their bonsai until the exact moment they need water.. When you are gone during the day and come home at night, the trees are usually bone dry.. it is not a case of if.. It is a case of not stressing the trees. When they need water, they should get it ..time is irrelevent. At least thats the way I have always done it. Now, I am not saying that I absolutely drown them late at night.. Sometimes I go a little easier than if they were bone dry in the morning.

p.s. Think of all the bonsai gardens and nurseries with their trees outside.. Now think of how often it rains at night.:D

I usually water in the evening, too. Get home from work about 7. Fix a nice scotch and water with lots of ice, and spend the best hour of my day watering the trees.
I think its actually good for the trees to dry out a little during the day as long as its not too hot. When its forecasted to be very hot or windy and dry I water in the morning too.
Trees that use a lot of water, like wisteria, sit in a pan to keep them wet during the day and newly collected trees are under automatic misters on a timer.

I water evenings bout 8 after kids go down. I'd do mornings but if kids are up early and I gotta get to work it can get hectic. I'm out there watering trees and there's a 1 and 3 yr old screaming and my wife all stressed looking at me like what the f$&@ are you doing watering plants right now? I'm outside thinking forecast is dry and 88 deg no way I'm leavin 'em all day to bake. Probably TMI for you all but you can picture that sippin a beer and watering them at 8pm seems a little nicer. Plants don't seem to care. Lots of insect issues this yr but no fungal probs yet so seems fine.

Sounds pretty much like my situation lol
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