Walter Pall in Los Angeles on WEd., Dec. 2, 2009

Walter Pall

Reaction score
south of Munich, Germany
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
7 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
Encino Community Center
4935 Balboa Boulevard
Encino CA 91316
1 block north of Ventura Blvd.
25 miles west of the 405

WP from Germany visiting for one night only, will offer his assessments of trees from personal collections. Material can be anything from raw stock to showable bonsai. Don't miss this rare opportunity with an internationally renowned bonsai master.

Admission for current Sansui-Kai members:
free entry + $5 per tree critique
Admission for non-members:
$ 7 entry + $10 per tree critique

for more information visit www.Sansui-kai or

If you wonder what will happen take a look at this:
Damn Walter, you getting bored. 17 bucks a tree, does that include an autographed 8x10 glossy.....:rolleyes:

keep it green,

it is not exactly so. 10 bucks per tree that I have time to speak about. And 7 bucks to listen to all this even if you have no tree. This is not just for the ones who have trees, this will be a three hour lecture about bonsai styling, bonsai philosophy, horticlultural practice and lots of fun. Cheap, if you ask me.
Yes, very inexpensive, hell, I could have got you 20 bucks per tree in Michigan and we have a 16% unemployment rate. ;)


it is not exactly so. 10 bucks per tree that I have time to speak about. And 7 bucks to listen to all this even if you have no tree. This is not just for the ones who have trees, this will be a three hour lecture about bonsai styling, bonsai philosophy, horticlultural practice and lots of fun. Cheap, if you ask me.

Please reread your post, no where does it say anything about a lecture, will there be alcohol ...................

keep it green,
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it is apparent that you have never been in the audience of one of my tree critiques which I call 'Tree Inspiration'. This is a big show. Why is it that folks come again and again wherever I do this? I have some fans who have seen me more than twenty times in a tree inspiration and who never had their own tree there.
Hi Walter, If I lived in Cal. I would most definately be there. My only problem is that I live over 1000 miles away - I live right in the middle of the USA. I have never met you before, but read your blogs quite often. If your wanting to make a stop in Iowa on your way home, I will let you stay in our nice guest rooom, with its own bathroom, Feed you a nice Indian dinner (my wife is from India), and love for you to see my trees.

Dave V.

it is apparent that you have never been in the audience of one of my tree critiques which I call 'Tree Inspiration'. This is a big show. Why is it that folks come again and again wherever I do this? I have some fans who have seen me more than twenty times in a tree inspiration and who never had their own tree there.

Walter. I'm "pulling your leg" I'm sure you're worth every penny and no, I've never had the opportunity to attend one of your "Tree Inspiration" lectures, it was all in fun.

keep it green,
Walter's critiques are the most entertaining that I've seen. Only John Naka's critiques could rival that.

And when people have fun, they also learn more. It's great to see Walter back.

I like the idea of the fee - very reasonable, and people tend to attach more value to something that costs money. Free advice is looked upon, as one notch above worthless.
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Walter's critiques are the most entertaining that I've seen. Only John Naka's critiques could rival that.


Everyone that attends one of Walter's presentations will leave educated, entertained and happy. Very well worth the cost and time spent. I've seen Walter twice, and the late John Naka many times over the years past. I try to imagine them both on the stage at once. It would have been incredible.
My advice to all who have the opportunity to attend, DON'T MISS IT!!

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