Wait a minute...

Through eight years, I’ve never had a frost or freeze in my yard after February... 10 day forecast lows stay in the upper 40s at worst... fingers crossed as I’ve repotted some pretty big trees.
Can't imagine that...something unheard of in Ohio.
50's for night temps last night...60's today. Warm temps for the month of February if the news is correct. Things will be waking up.
Can't imagine that...something unheard of in Ohio.
50's for night temps last night...60's today. Warm temps for the month of February if the news is correct. Things will be waking up.
I live in a unique micro climate... the local adage is to not plant anything tender until tax day- April 15th. Here in GA, I've consistently had tomatoes planted in my yard by mid March... in MA, I once had to wait until the 3rd week of April to have a fence installed because the ground was still frozen.
This year we have had a swing of temps from +7 down to -17 within the same day. We have a pattern of big snow, rain, then extreme cold. That's our winters now.
Go home weather your drunk!

Weather in Texas is pretty much average so far this year. Trees are waking up right on time.
This year we have had a swing of temps from +7 down to -17 within the same day. We have a pattern of big snow, rain, then extreme cold. That's our winters now.

We had that one day last week. Rained overnight, warm and sunny 8 c all day then It snowed 18" between 4 and 6 pm, cleared up and dropped to -15 by 7pm. Slushy spring skiing all day, went up again in the evening and poached the unlit runs for a night of perfect untracked powder skiing in the dark. Great day!
Global warming ???☠️
I have a co-worker who is a groupie for the local weather gang, and he says it actually is global warming causing the freakish cold weather. Something like the warming is causing the Jet stream to meander. When it goes north we get warm weather and when it pulls south it drags the arctic air down behind it.
I have a co-worker who is a groupie for the local weather gang, and he says it actually is global warming causing the freakish cold weather. Something like the warming is causing the Jet stream to meander. When it goes north we get warm weather and when it pulls south it drags the arctic air down behind it.
How I’ve seen it explained which makes sense to me is that reduction in differential in temp between the arctic and temperate zones, resulting from the warming of the arctic, allows the jet stream, which is like a river of air, to meander. It’s analogous to a real river flowing over flatter ground, with low altitude differential, which tends to meander. The dips and rises to the north and south ensure a succession of both unusual warmth as well as cold.
Yeah whatever. Go argue creationism or flat earth too.

The longer term forecast I was just reading calls for the next two weeks to be unusually warm in the eastern US followed by a return of winter in early March. Perfect. Another year of tree schlepping and long internodes in my future it would appear.
April showers for the last two months. The ephemeral creek washing out the road is kind of getting to be the norm.
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