Vinny’s European Spruce

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Northeast Connecticut, USA
This tree was container grown by a local grower for about 20 years — and I think in the same nursery can and potting soil the entire time. I purchased it in Spring, at which time I cut off about six feet and then did a “top down” repotting of about the first three inches of soil. (We also had to saw off the huge roots bursting out of the bottom of the can!)

Top down repotting video.

After it was showing strong signs of healthy growth, I cut off all the unnecessary bits. Spruce grow 3, 4, and 5 shoots all from the same spot… those all got reduced to 2. Mirai’s YouTube video on Spruce Growth Management was an excellent guide. Watch here.

Today in my study group with Suthin, we did the initial styling. Pictures below.






From the side and above:


In the Spring, I will pinch new shoots back to about 4 or 5 needles to encourage back buds. In about two years, if the roots are growing well, I will cut off everything beneath the “top down” repot. I’m on the lookout for an appropriate round pot.
Hummmm. A little die back showing up this week…


Most of the tree still looks green and happy. But a few of the small twiggy tips have died back since wiring and styling (including a couple that don’t have wire!)

Maybe I was too rough… I am a newbie and bad at wire so I did bang it around.

If anyone has ideas, please share.
Spruce don't like wiring in summer at all.
So it's best to avoid doing that. They tend to drop branches if you wire in summer.
Save that for fall or early spring, or winter.
I wire mine in winter and it never skips a beat. Luckily with the right techniques they bud all over the place.
Spruce don't like wiring in summer at all.
So it's best to avoid doing that. They tend to drop branches if you wire in summer.
Save that for fall or early spring, or winter.
I wire mine in winter and it never skips a beat. Luckily with the right techniques they bud all over the place.
Good to know, thank you! Maybe a case of bad timing with my workshop. I’ll note that for the future work, though. The tree does have lots of back buds ready for next year so, I’m not losing sleep.
Good call, I think you're on the right track.
I spring/summer prune mine for 2-3 years and then give them a year of full growth and then cut back to buds. It seems to work well for me.
Devastating… what was apparently a strong tree meant to be an awesome bonsai is now just hanging on by the thinnest thread.

I’m not sure if wiring in mid-Summer is the only culprit? Could be.

There are tiny patches of pale green, but I’ve lost 95% of the needles.

There are still lots of buds and the twigs remain flexible, but I’m not sure what I should expect to survive the winter. I guess I should protect this extra, right? Might take it into the garage.

If anyone has any last ditch ideas, I’m open to anything!

Fingers crossed and we’ll see if new needles come out in the Spring.

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