verticulum Wilt


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Lancaster, PA
one of my japanese maple jubilee and it is a graft seems to have Wilt when should I use reliant systemic fungicide on it? should I wait until next year before it buds or use it more diluted on the whole tree? the instructions are a little confusing on what to do for maples please help anyone who has experience using this product!
Pictures would be useful : J. maples are prone to fugal diseases, some of them not very harmful (leaf spots), other more worrying but that can be controlled and cured (Pseudomonas), but verticilium is a killer.

Without more info, it's hard to give you an answer. No treatment will cure verticilium wilt. If it's verticilium wilt, there only one solution : burn it, and make sure all the trees around are quarantined. Most other fungal infections on maples can be cured with a copper-based product.
the leaves ends dried up and curled since I was afraid it would spread I cut off the dried ends now I have no idea what it could be and it seems to be growing leaves very slowly this spring any ideas? Maybe bacterial leaf scorch?
the leaves ends dried up and curled

This can be a benign symptom that may have nothing to do with verticillum, fungal deseases, or nasty rotting attacks : once again, post photos, that would help a lot.

Sunscorch, overwatering, etc (then watch the soil mix), etc.
this particular maple had the same problem last year so it makes me think it is some sort of disease?
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