Nice shape, but it looks to me like you took too much foliage off. The branches nearer the trunk are too bare, and it is unlikely to bud back that well, if at all.
And photography: PLEASE take the pictures at EYE LEVEL. Pics from a high angle don't tell us much.
Guys, I would recommend looking at growth patterns and scale (proportion) rather than species or cultivar. If you only have limited access then think about how the growth patterns and scale fits "your" aesthetic principals. Obviously a 'Torolusa' wouldn't make a good shohin but would make a good large tree. "Think about it" Trunk to branches to foliage tips with movement and taper. It's not easy starting out but the exercise is what makes good bonsai.
With juniper, it is a good practice to leave some snag for possible jin later (easier to remove excess branch than add).
You can also help the tree get more light by chopping the pot down. Removing the top will help your tree a lot.
Over all, nice reduction IMHO and you did a good clean-up.
There must be a name for the hysteria and confusion that happens when an inexperienced bonsai trainer is hacking at a bush. Any suggestions?
Practice (which you are doing now) will solve the problem. Learn from each mistake (there will be plenty)...and you will be doing all the right things before you know it.
Reading online (here and elsewhere), magazines, and books will help you avoid some "landmines" also. In other words, learn from others mistakes and experience.
Good luck!
Juniper do a LOT better if they're right side up. They're also hard to water this way.
Juniper do a LOT better if they're right side up. They're also hard to water this way.