Ugly trees.

M. Frary

Bonsai Godzilla
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Mio Michigan
We all got them.
Don't lie.
I have a few.
Put pictures of them here.
I'll start.
An American elm.
It was collected 4 years ago.
Then I airlayered the bottom 4 inches off last year.
The voles even avoided this one.20170428_160004.jpg 20170428_155956.jpg 20170415_162540.jpg Before cut backs. The pics are even in reverse order.20170125_211615.jpg
Oh I got UGLY! So ugly I will take its clothes off so to speak with why I find it ugly with closer or better angles of the "UG"!
My one sided roots Virginia Creeper...sometimes I ask myself why I even keep it. If I ever had to thin my collection this would be one of the first to go.


I wanted a pyracantha...can't get them around me. Wanted something with character. The roots are a mess...but sort of pulls it off. But no beauty contest it would ever win.

The messed up base...that is rolling to the beat of its own drum. I would rather have this...than boring though. But not pretty.

Can't get any uglier than this right now...the Tamarix that died back from arctic cold in my landscape. Only has one live vein running up the trunk.

It's just...soooo...raw....undeveloped.

Forgot to touch on the Amur explain why it hits this list. It only has one live main branch.

The stub of the dead branch makes a great anchor. Potted in the only thing those roots would fit into. *Need more pots!

There's a lot of "humble bragging" going on here:)
Those trees aren't ALL bad....well, except for Mike's pine:
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It's all relative, I suppose, to the remainder of your collection and your standards.
I suppose standards and collection gets better with the miles out on ones journey so that does play into it...but, I must say...sometimes I wonder what Jim may have thought on the base of that pyracantha. We had many hours on hot mess of root business. The maple...roots are all on the right side. So a slant to a degree to hide the lack of root issues. I may bring that slant up more less sharp. Sergio did me a vert that...maybe one day...even with its faults it may turn into something. But it's sat low on a bench almost on the ground on the back patio. Making it less in the face obvious one branch is where the foliage come from. But...the trunk doesn't show a thriving tree. So I keep telling myself at the end of the will have told its story when all said and done. The creeper...come winter...I shake my head and wonder why I still have it. Then spring rolls around and it weeps...and, I sort of like it. has issues. could easily be the first to go if I thin my collection at some point. That I do know.

What would be an update of these trees a few years. To see if they grow out of their ugly duckling stage...or stay butt ugly. The Virginia creeper...doesn't stand a chance. I agree with you...they aren't a total loss...just need some refining.
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Oooo, I got this one!!!
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