Tree collection permit in central california

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Porterville, California
Well I live in central California (Porterville to be exact) and I've attempted to email, and call the forestry department regarding collection permits (with zero success).

I've even went as far as emailing bonsai clubs... Yet no help.

Has anybody in California obtained a collection permit? How do I find out what species are okay to collect?

Any help at all would be grately appreciated!

Thanks, Case
They'll definitely forgive you, after you've paid the fine and whatever other associated penalties.

I've only collected on private property and from national forests, so my advice only goes that far. For national forest collecting, go to the local office for the forest and ask what forest products permits they sell. Not all national forests sell them, or sell the same ones (e.g. some will let you cut a Christmas tree, others won't). You can probably look at the specific national forest website and figure out what they'll allow/not allow.

I haven't tried collecting from BLM land or state parks, though I'd guess the state of CA isn't going to be too friendly when it comes to collecting trees from their parks. I'd explore the California BLM website to see if you can find any additional information about permits they offer. I've found information for some states about tree collecting permits, but not all seem to have it posted.

Hopefully that gives you a starting point. Good luck!
In New Mexico, each ranger district issues its own wilding permits. They have defined areas where you can collect, and you don't have to declare which species you want. I have no idea how it works in California, but I would find the number of the ranger district you are interested in on the Forest Service website. Also, I've been told that if you can find the right official to bug, you should be able to get a permit on any Forest Service land that is multi-use.
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