Be sure to post a picture of the back, 180 degrees from your chosen front. My own taste without seeing the tree in person would be to put the middle trunk in front. It is also your largest diameter trunk, so putting it in front would accentuate the impression of size.
I like it. Glad to see you are working with Amur. Great maple for the great frozen north.
Here you go, Leo. Just a quick snap, but this is the opposite side of the current front.
The two main issues I see with that side are the large knob that has to be carved out at the bottom right and the straightness of the one trunk. One of the reasons I rather like it on the other side, is that the straight trunk is partially obscured by the left front one, so that the ramrod straightness isn't so in your face, or at least that's my inexperienced reasoning. Please let me know if you have differing thoughts. If I get a chance, I might try to take a 360 video and post it. It can be so hard to convey/show stuff over single photos.