I've liked Crape Myrtle for their muscular trunks and bark. I don't care too much for their flowers. So I started getting into CMs this year.
This Crape Myrtle was collected spring of this year without any feeder roots. Actually few, but not much at all. I had not chopped off anything on top either. That work was done every year or other year by maintenance workers who clear brush at fences.
I didn't take any pictures of it after washing away mud and gravel in all the crevices and hollows as it was nighttime when I did that. There was actually little roots in one hollowed spot at the top. It appears roots will grow anywhere there is moist soil on CMs.
Here's how it looks today. I'm betting there's lots of feeder roots now. It's been growing in pure pumice.
I'd like to get it into a wide shallower pot next yeat, if thats not too soon. How agressive can I be with root reduction? Best decide next year after examining what's below the soil next year?
@johng what do you think? I hope to bring out the soul of this tree. Thanks for looking.
This Crape Myrtle was collected spring of this year without any feeder roots. Actually few, but not much at all. I had not chopped off anything on top either. That work was done every year or other year by maintenance workers who clear brush at fences.
I didn't take any pictures of it after washing away mud and gravel in all the crevices and hollows as it was nighttime when I did that. There was actually little roots in one hollowed spot at the top. It appears roots will grow anywhere there is moist soil on CMs.
Here's how it looks today. I'm betting there's lots of feeder roots now. It's been growing in pure pumice.
I'd like to get it into a wide shallower pot next yeat, if thats not too soon. How agressive can I be with root reduction? Best decide next year after examining what's below the soil next year?
@johng what do you think? I hope to bring out the soul of this tree. Thanks for looking.