That branch on the larch looks like it's already too thick! Maybe they're using it to try to thicken the lower trunk and it will be removed/jinned at some point. I think the tree would look pretty good if the
length was reduced by 1/2, and possibly (probably?) better if it was removed completely. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with it being in the show. I'm not a believer in overly strong entrance
restrictions and would prefer to err on the side of letting people express themeselves through their trees. It was just something that caught my eye, others may well find it a good feature.
On second viewing that ginkgo caught my eye in a good way. I like the shape, it looks more "natural" than the narrow torch shapes often used. I've never really had the desire to add one to my collection
but something with a shape like that...I could see.
Some of those accent plantings are beautiful. Anyone know what plant is in the next to last image in post 7? The foliage looks a bit like hosta but the seed heads don't.