Tiny leaves

Sorce, think maybe you could dig down on the inside, free the roots, and maybe pull the little gut through?
Man, I came across this today.
View attachment 80411
Tween 2 railroad ties.

Can't really collect it.
View attachment 80412

But that's definitely worth messin with.

And tiny leaves!View attachment 80413View attachment 80414

I might cut it off in spring, see if it will root.

I'm pretty sure this is a Siberian elm.
I can't beleive how small these get.
This is why I started collecting elms in the first place.
Almost time to get the leaves back down to here!

Siberian or American elm can both have theireaves reduced down that small or smaller. Especially being cut back all of the time.
Maybe you could layer this? Or if you can get after it in the spring you may be able to collect it. They only need a few small roots at time of collection to grow.
Or if all else fails cut it off and try to root it as a cutting. You never know.
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