This morning

Nice bright backyard compared to your last place! Lovely!
It gets more consistent direct sun from mid morning to late afternoon, and it offers enough shade in spots for the trees that might benefit from less sun... and it's flatter... much, much, much flatter🙏!
It gets more consistent direct sun from mid morning to late afternoon, and it offers enough shade in spots for the trees that might benefit from less sun... and it's flatter... much, much, much flatter🙏!
lol no hills to fall down carrying those big trees

Nice garden
You do have many projects and they are much further along than most of us here. Very nice garden!
I probably have too many, but I really do enjoy the creative process of building something cool from raw stock or seedlings. I do enjoy working nice, developed trees but they cost a few $$$, while most of my projects just cost me my time and that's easy payment :).
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