The Tree Thread

This tree is special, not because it is a fantastic or expensive tree but it is one my dad bought me from a local garden centre. He insisted on getting it for me because of its name, Paul's Scarlet. We drove home with the 6ft pole of a tree hanging out the window. It is its first year in a pot from me chopping and regrowing the trunk over a decade or so. It's the second year flowering but sadly he's gone now so it has sentimental significance. View attachment 375312

View attachment 375313

Looks pretty fantastic to me.

This chinzan is almost in full bloom now. Hopefully it gets there before I go out of town on Thursday...

Checking the status quo coming back to the benches...
A Honey Locust wired to be weeping...
HL 2021_0517 SQ.jpg
A Golden Hinoki transitioning from literati to a new style which I haven't translated into Japanese yet, so we can just use the name in English for it, Fred...
CAN 2021_0517 SQ.jpg
A Chinese Juniper...
JH 2021_0517 SQ.jpg
A Korean Lilac just a couple days away from glory...
L MK 2021_0517 SQ color.jpg
A Chamaecyparis tsukomo...
Ct 2021_0517 SQ.jpg
A Korean Hornbeam getting perfecter and perfecter...
H 2021_0517 SQ.jpg
A smaller Japanese Maple...
Apm 2021_0517 trimmed.jpg
A bigger Bloodgood...
Aa 2021_0517 SQ.jpg
A Japanese Maple forest...
Apf 2021_0517 SQ.jpg
Portraits in a couple weeks!
This tree is special, not because it is a fantastic or expensive tree but it is one my dad bought me from a local garden centre. He insisted on getting it for me because of its name, Paul's Scarlet. We drove home with the 6ft pole of a tree hanging out the window. It is its first year in a pot from me chopping and regrowing the trunk over a decade or so. It's the second year flowering but sadly he's gone now so it has sentimental significance. View attachment 375312

View attachment 375313

What is this tree, it and the flowers are beautiful

I know I have to post a tree. Most recent photo I have is my baby willow leaf
What is this tree, it and the flowers are beautiful

I know I have to post a tree. Most recent photo I have is my baby willow leaf
View attachment 375477
It's a Midland Hawthorn, Crataegus Laeviagata "Paul's Scarlet" and thanks for the kind words. The enclosed picture is of my Candyfloss Tree, Cercidiphyllum japonicus in a makeshift dog basket container. As you can see it's not a twig 😁😁IMG_20201125_144219.jpg
Checking the status quo coming back to the benches...
A Honey Locust wired to be weeping...
View attachment 375438
A Golden Hinoki transitioning from literati to a new style which I haven't translated into Japanese yet, so we can just use the name in English for it, Fred...
View attachment 375439
A Chinese Juniper...
View attachment 375440
A Korean Lilac just a couple days away from glory...
View attachment 375441
A Chamaecyparis tsukomo...
View attachment 375442
A Korean Hornbeam getting perfecter and perfecter...
View attachment 375443
A smaller Japanese Maple...
View attachment 375444
A bigger Bloodgood...
View attachment 375445
A Japanese Maple forest...
View attachment 375446
Portraits in a couple weeks!
That Bloodgood...I'm not familiar with maples all that well. Does it keep the dark foliage or does it green up? Not that I need any more trees...but I do appreciate that foliage color.

Pyracantha in a Bonsai Seeker pot...stand by Wan Adisak Thansaniyom.
Pyracantha 2021 full bloom (2).jpg
That Bloodgood...I'm not familiar with maples all that well. Does it keep the dark foliage or does it green up? Not that I need any more trees...but I do appreciate that foliage color.

Pyracantha in a Bonsai Seeker pot...stand by Wan Adisak Thansaniyom.
View attachment 375619

I know basically nothing about matching a stand to a tree but this one seems well done to me. I like how the movement in the stand matches the movement in the tree.

This is a Black Hills Spruce I got from Don Blackmond, but was originally an Andy Smith tree. It's on a slab by Ron Lang.

That Bloodgood...I'm not familiar with maples all that well. Does it keep the dark foliage or does it green up? Not that I need any more trees...but I do appreciate that foliage color.

Pyracantha in a Bonsai Seeker pot...stand by Wan Adisak Thansaniyom.
View attachment 375619
The color is at peak right now and will diminish through the season. Here it is on June 28th, 2020...
Aa 2020_0628 N Edit.JPG
The color is at peak right now and will diminish through the season. Here it is on June 28th, 2020...
View attachment 375701
I like the pot combination for the tree. Nice tone to match the leaves. Is it a Sarah Rayner?
This is one of my Mountain Hemlock in a similar style pot by Sarah Rayner.
Father& Son    Mar 18.JPG
I like the pot combination for the tree. Nice tone to match the leaves. Is it a Sarah Rayner?
This is one of my Mountain Hemlock in a similar style pot by Sarah Rayner.
View attachment 375711
Your tree is one of my saved screen backgrounds. I love the fact that it is a twin trunk which is generally bad-mouthed as a concept in bonsai, but this proves that there is no such thing as a form that doesn't work in bonsai. Art is something that is exceptionally well carried out. This is art!

The pot is Japanese, from about ~2002. It's 16"+ and I had it for almost 15 years before I had a tree to fit in it. Thank you for noticing it.

Here's what happens when 3 little grass sprouts are over-wintered in a pot. Look at the big white roots, they are ALL grass roots!
Shimpaku weeds 051721.JPG
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Your tree is one of my saved screen backgrounds. I love the fact that it is a twin trunk which is generally bad-mouthed as a concept in bonsai, but this proves that there is no such thing as a form that doesn't work in bonsai. Art is something that is exceptionally well carried out. This is art!

The pot is Japanese, from about ~2002. It's 16"+ and I had it for almost 15 years before I had a tree to fit in it. Thank you for noticing it.
This Sub Alpine Fir is a natural triple trunk with all three trunks from the same base and complementary movement, could not pass it up even though it is another disparaged form. I am excited about the potential even though it is in the early stages of styling and foliage development. The progress is reasonable for three and 1/2 years from collection. At this point working on balancing the trunk heights with their respective positions and size. Will take a few years to display its full potential. This is one of those situations where a few steps back are needed to accomplish forward progress! Fortunately Fir back bud readily on both branches and trunk. It will start to look better after this ugly duckling stage.
Your tree is one of my saved screen backgrounds. I love the fact that it is a twin trunk which is generally bad-mouthed as a concept in bonsai, but this proves that there is no such thing as a form that doesn't work in bonsai. Art is something that is exceptionally well carried out. This is art!

The pot is Japanese, from about ~2002. It's 16"+ and I had it for almost 15 years before I had a tree to fit in it. Thank you for noticing it.

Here's what happens when 3 little grass sprouts are over-wintered in a pot. Look at the big white roots, they are ALL grass roots!
View attachment 375712
Generally bad mouthed as bonsai? I've never heard that. That actually had my mouth fall open.

@Rivers's Edge love your work!

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Why not grow what is? What coin is that, I can't tell the scale? I think there's a lot there to style into a cute tree with lots of parts to blend into a whole, cohesive picture. A small tree in the making.
The long slender “elegant” trunk to me does not balance with the gnarled up canopy. Hackberry does not look like this here, lower branches do not exfoliate in this manner or have such an appearance even if limbs were cut so you could drive a riding mower around them like a dogwood or redbud for example. I see this tree in a field along an old fence line between two farms or owned land, good for stability of fence or barbwire common. Also radial roots...hopefully. Baby steps here keeping on.

Could fatten the trunk but to the expense of what is already happy to keep the tree small.

Thinking sub-air/ground layer via @sorce dish method, maybe a cm above soil -if it dies, it dies. ..Uncomfortable sure, but this is my approach to find a mediocre tree possibly better. How many times can I save it from the death it would have had is already immeasurable. It was seriously growing out of the road edge, and I can fatten radial roots. Weird thing, hackberry

Coin was US quarter, state unknown.
Thoughts welcome, thanks.

Here’s a boxwood in sun degradare pasta pot and a juniper. The juniper can be with regard to the tree not posted at initial questions, if that’s a thing. Either way, something. That first branch on the boxwood, should have not bent.

Just in case their is someone else who can appreciate twin trunk style. Here is a Mountain hemlock showing before and after first styling. In a few years the foliage will begin to form pads and the styling will progress. I completed the first styling in March this year.IMG_1454.JPGIMG_1459.JPG
Water elm

Pot by Moridin 😂

I'm really loving this tree it's been bursting with growth the past few months. Some nice branch structure seems to be forming and it's growing pretty strong. Thanks to @Zach Smith for the material and @VAFisher for some inspiration 😉

View attachment 375743
Mine really takes off in the heat of summer - July and August around here. It seems to love Temps in the mid 90s with oppressive humidity.

Englemann Spruce
Water elm

Pot by Moridin 😂

I'm really loving this tree it's been bursting with growth the past few months. Some nice branch structure seems to be forming and it's growing pretty strong. Thanks to @Zach Smith for the material and @VAFisher for some inspiration 😉

View attachment 375743
Love the patina on that pot. Here in the PNW the patina takes on a duller sheen with the humidity! JBP under development with similar pot. The feet are different with handles;) This tree is 12 years from seed. At the point where transfer to a maintenance bonsai pot will aid the future development and ramification.
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