The Tree Thread

@WeeMac is mild mannered. Makes the time-suck vortex he creates tolerable!;):D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Bougie managed to survive another 7 month "winter"......

View attachment 196767

Just a heads up. Looks like you left a maple sitting on top of your nice deadfall squirrel trap there.883EB28C-F4E5-410D-9A88-7A1A9C690D44.jpeg

Amur from seed. 44679379-9066-4761-8818-992A7541C8A1.jpeg
Maybe 25 lbs of NH granite topped with a granite counter top cut-out, 10-12 pounds? Possum maybe, skunk, not a squirrel. Only chipmunks for the most part....power of the pellet, yaunderstan'...…...

View attachment 196772

Ah right, possums!

We don’t have possums here so never thought of that. Seemed much too smal for a Wolverine. 19C7C66C-4775-4BB8-88A4-30A02CA2769E.jpeg
I hate a damn opossum. They freak me out.

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