The starter Ficus repository!

@StoneCloud no worries....and I didn't layer....;):D:D:D:D:D @Redwood Ryan is right, and I did say I was going to embrace the ugly...:p:D:D:D:eek::eek::D:D:D


Needed that root crossing in the front for securing purposes for the moment. Might remove later.....lower that little shoot in the back on the viewers right. Little shoot straight up is the apex.
Cut back once it starts growing vigorously this summer.....I hope!:oops::D:D:D:D
@hometeamrocker pot.....:cool::cool::cool::cool:

Ooohh yeaa...then I went for some Sushi and a cocktail.....;):rolleyes::D:D

SUSHI1.jpg :)
@StoneCloud no worries....and I didn't layer....;):D:D:D:D:D @Redwood Ryan is right, and I did say I was going to embrace the ugly...:p:D:D:D:eek::eek::D:D:D
View attachment 148181

View attachment 148183

Needed that root crossing in the front for securing purposes for the moment. Might remove later.....lower that little shoot in the back on the viewers right. Little shoot straight up is the apex.
Cut back once it starts growing vigorously this summer.....I hope!:oops::D:D:D:D
@hometeamrocker pot.....:cool::cool::cool::cool:

Ooohh yeaa...then I went for some Sushi and a cocktail.....;):rolleyes::D:D

View attachment 148184 :)

Looks good! And the pot is very nice!!!
Lance, it's the scorpion .................................................................

Hey we make sushi for lunch down here, it is enjoyable.

Scorpion bowl for one, please!!

Looks good! And the pot is very nice!!!

Thanks for the kind words!!!:):):)

Thanks for sharing @LanceMac10 ! Looking good!

I've been waiting to use this one!!

I was ready to sacrifice it if somebody hated it!!;):p:D:D:D:D:D

Thanks for viewing all!!! All you can eat Sushi Wednesday night.....I'll see how much I can consume!!:eek::eek::eek::D:D:D:D:D It's so good!!!!
Heya folks! I'm brand new here and just starting my bonsai journey. How you ask? With a variegated ficus benjamina!

Quick update with no pictures: All three of the trunks survived and are putting out new growth, which is good because all of my cuttings died. So much for a back-up plan!
Forgot you wont get alerts when a new page is at a thread you follow lol

Looking good all
Mine is outside for 3 weeks now and pushing allot new growth

I realy like to take off the foil and moss to see if any aerial roots are forming yet dont know how fast this will go ill probably wait a few weeks more before i check it out
Maybe you guys can help me out. I have a ficus and am new to bonsai. I have had it for years and have left it to grow because I read it's the best way to thicken the trunk.... the trunk hasn't grown very much but the roots have. It has grown tall and lanky.
I have been considering cutting it back but I'm an amateur and I'm nervous to do so and not really sure where to cut it.
I've also been considering putting it in a larger pot so that it would thicken up before cutting it back.
Advice would be greatly appreciated!


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Maybe you guys can help me out. I have a ficus and am new to bonsai. I have had it for years and have left it to grow because I read it's the best way to thicken the trunk.... the trunk hasn't grown very much but the roots have. It has grown tall and lanky.
I have been considering cutting it back but I'm an amateur and I'm nervous to do so and not really sure where to cut it.
I've also been considering putting it in a larger pot so that it would thicken up before cutting it back.
Advice would be greatly appreciated!

You'll probably need to do a repot. How long has it been since it was last repotted?
You'll probably need to do a repot. How long has it been since it was last repotted?
About 3 years. It was in a smaller dish before that.
I will try that. How big of a pot should I put it in? I know I will have to prune back the roots when I put it back into a smaller one but I'm not really sure how big of one I should repot it in. I'm new to this and haven't had prior experience with bonsai sorry for all the beginner questions.
Hopefully the trunk will thicken more and not just the roots.
I checked if anything was going on growing roots were i packed the tree with moss and foil but nothing to see

Damaged the bark put some root hormone powder on and repacked it and put it back in its place to see if it will work this time
The tree itself is putting on allot of growth tough :)

Wow, all great looking trees. I found this little guy sprouting through the paving, tried to pull it out gently but I lost most of the roots. So I cut off all of the bigger leaves, leaving all the small, new growth. I put it in this clay pot lid and I'm trying to do a tree-on-the-hill type deal. My medium is only potting soil, but I have moss growing all over, so that will cover it soon. I'm still gonna have hot and humid weather till the end of October to let this guy stabilize and get some growth back. And then what? chop shorter?
Height of the tree is 35cm, pot diameter is 19cm, and the height of the pot is 7cm.
I didn't measure the trunk thickness, I know its extremely skinny. But I believe one day when I have dense foliage, I can grow aerial roots that wrap around the trunk to get some girth into it.
So, am I on the right track, or nah?


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for what it is worth, ficus need very little organic matter so if you want to try what is done
down here ----------- 90 % 5 mm inorganic [ non porous ] and 10 % organic all by volume.
e.g, use a spade as the measuring equipment.

Then when established grow the bottom branch out to 3 feet / 92 cm and see how much it thickens
the base. Next go to the second branch and third year the third branch.
You should have a bonsai by 5 years. and need 3 to 5 years more for refinement.

No need to ground grow, ficus will normally trunk thicken in as little as 1" / 2.5 cm of soil.

35 cm height, try for a 6 to 7 cm trunk.
Lots of sun.
Best of growing to you.
Good Day
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