Here is almost one year of progress on my Home Depot S-curve mallsai. I got back from walking the dog this morning to find it spralled across the rocks below my second-floor balcony, my Lynn August pot broken in two. Oh well, a good opportunity to do some root work.
Fantastic thread, thanks for those that have contributed, I've got a lot out of it!
I desperately want to get my hands on several ficus. Plan to buy some cheap material to play around with but ultimately want to grow some beauties from seed.
There's a lot of conflicting advice online and I was wondering if anyone here would recommend a specific species to go for?
I've read good things about "natelensis" but haven't seen much on here.
Thanks for any advice/info.
Got a chance to see the tree that convinced me to get a ficus again. In the bottom left corner you will see my vape, its about 6 inches tall for comparison sake.....
Its named "Big Daddy" and they told me its only about 50 years old
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IMO, that's not a look I would strive for. It's too tall, lacks taper, and the branches are just bleh. The base is nice, but it'd have to be cut back quite a bit for my taste.
When I got this banyan about 10 years ago, it had been through a drought and lost all of its leaves. At that time, it supposedly was 20 years old. It's taken a while to get a full set of leaves again, but I cannot get it to fill out. The leaves only grow at the top. I would love to find a way to start getting lower growth, but I'm afraid trimming back full branches will kill it. I think the pot is too small, so I had planned to transplant it, but I'm seeing similar pots on similar trees in this thread.
Any advice on how to help this tree flourish?