The Shohin Tree Thread

Mine have bloomed on and off all winter, except for one. Beautiful little tree, don't love the pot though.........maybe just me.
Thanks Carol! It’s a fun pot for a fun tree ;) . I got like 6 of those pots in various sizes from Vietnam. It’s popular back there.
Chinese Elm.
Btw: How do you delete a post on here anyway ?
hokkaido elm that i think needs a darker pot. lesson that patina isn’t the be all end all

also a korean hornbeam in a bigei that may be my favorite tree

i gotta get a better backdrop

Let's try that again. Not with MUCH more effort, but with a real camera instead of a phone at least






This one breaks the rules but I love it. I feel like it's shrugging away coyly or something. I honestly have no idea what to do with this other than kinda make a green triangle with the structure that is there, and simply just grow it out and thicken and then ramify it, so... it makes me happy, it stays as it is.

These two are pushing it for shohin but I can never find The Tree Thread, hahah



This beer is appropriate for working on bonsai - and drinking...

Shohin Chinese Elm
View attachment 378251

That's the "drake" cultivar, yes? May I ask where you found it?

brb with my photo for the thread

willowleaf ficus

not sure why my earlier picture is warped ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Like “The Tree Thread”, this is a new thread where, if you comment, you have to post a picture of one of your Shohin trees (8” or less in height), in a Bonsai pot, and ideally in a display format. You can post the same tree multiple times, in different seasons, different arrangements, or with different accents. Please include pot maker.

Therefore, as we continue commenting on each others' trees, we post more Shohin trees.

I’ll start with this example.

Counter-clockwise from top left:
Corkbark JBP in Shibakatsu
Crabapple in Roy Minarai
J. Maple in Koyo
Accent in Bunzan
Itoigawa in Bigei
View attachment 234087

Wow the composition on the japanese maple is nice, love the pot

Here is one of mine, a thuja occidentalisFB_IMG_1622509241979.jpg
here’s the tree that drew me back into bonsai several years ago, now in a koyo. trying to see if i can regrow some parts and address some issues, but i really love the tree/pot combo and the picture really doesn’t bring out the pots colors

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