Marine fisheries biologist by occupation, but always had keeping fish and going out fishing first in fresh then in
salt water as hobbies.
I've been described as having salt in my veins because there is hardly a day I don't touch salt water or think about or am involved with salt water critters and I just love the Ocean.
Greatest loves in world for hobbies are (in No particular order): The Ocean, fishing, keeping fish, bonsai and my dogs.
Although I'm a transplant here, I am a NYer: opinionated, sometimes too quick to react, self described as cantankerous and a salty personality as many here know

I have always seen myself as a Paradox, hence the name. I've never shared the same interests that most women do or even among my peers.
Never really quite fit in anywhere when I was younger. Now I just don't care. I like what I like and to hell with anyone who has a problem with that...

But I do have a real desire to help people, sometimes too much. One of my co-workers is fond of saying "yes
Mom" when I start mildly scolding or acting like a mom.
Favorite Bonsai tree:
Scotts pine is number one and pines in general, Second favorite probably azaleas.