When I took this to @Walter Pall ...
He suggested this pot may be too small...
I agreed.
Then this thing grew like shit this spring...
Got itself some bark loss and "black pot natural Shari" up some of the trunk...which, underneath dead bark has roots growing..FFS. (For fuck sake)
This one did a trunk death thing....
But the canopy is good...
Though...a little shorter when I dropped some moss...and like an ass...flinched to catch it, breaking some apex down.
Made another decision to shorten the shorter apex easier to make though so Fuck it!
Had a rough after potting cuz I waited too long. That trunk death is a result of one winter too long in a black pot.
This had since rooted up and out the drainage holes....gaining in health, though not growing much either.
I like it, changed it drastically but go with it! Those roots coming out are interesting. I like to see where things go, even if it doesn't make sense. Who knows, if you let those grow out it might look really cool