the demand for ficus diversity

That solution already exists. It's called the stock market. The company that owns TikTok is winning the race.

tiktok is winning the race in a world where most people don't understand the benefit of clearly seeing the demand for content. in the new world, where people understand that ignorance of demand isn't bliss, tiktok will lose the race, unless it adapts quickly enough by using donations to reveal the demand for content.
tiktok is winning the race in a world where most people don't understand the benefit of clearly seeing the demand for content. in the new world, where people understand that ignorance of demand isn't bliss, tiktok will lose the race, unless it adapts quickly enough by using donations to reveal the demand for content.

The New World? Are you talking about the continents and islands of the western hemisphere, or are you part of one of those new age religions?
The New World? Are you talking about the continents and islands of the western hemisphere, or are you part of one of those new age religions?

i'm referring to a future world that is far better because we can all clearly see the demand for things.

my stomach is growling. why is my stomach trying to tell me something that i already know? actually it's trying to tell everyone within earshot. it can't be an evolutionary coincidence. "i'm really hungry, but don't take my word for it, listen to my stomach." for all the other times when we're hungry but our stomach isn't pulling its weight... "i'm really hungry, but don't take my word for it, take these precious stones."

as your fav philosopher said, "all things are exchange (antamoibe) for fire, and fire for all things, as goods for gold and gold for goods"
interesting ficus info. the donation and content information is bizarre. If anyone wants to donate to me, I advise against it. The money will be squandered foolishly
This is also a bonsai forum. I think getting into topics outside would take the focus off the primary practice we discuss. There are people who propagate professionally who also do bonsai. And there are important aspects to growing tree’s specifically for bonsai. Which is easy to search here and pretty well discussed here. It is still very interesting what @Epiphyte is doing. And I think it is cool! That is in regards to only the ficus talk. Start a thread speaking about your findings and others interested will engage. I don’t understand the problem here.
I don’t understand the problem here.

I think it's a solution in search of a problem to solve. There's no barrier to discussions about ficus. New threads will always pop up in the recent activity feed, and the more engagement, the more it will be promoted.
I think it's a solution in search of a problem to solve. There's no barrier to discussions about ficus. New threads will always pop up in the recent activity feed, and the more engagement, the more it will be promoted.
Also link to his site for more in depth content. It’s really simple. I find the topic interesting. But I’m lost with all the other philosophy talk and analogies. Analogies need to be very relevant to the topic to make sense. That’s why I am not interested in this thread anymore. It just doesn’t make sense to me.
i could post ficus content here, or ourfigs, or palmtalk, or pushingborders, or even agaveville. should i just flip a coin? should i search each forum for "ficus" to look at past engagement? naturally i should post ficus content on whichever forum has the greatest demand for it.

supply and demand, demand and supply, it's not philosophy, it's basic economics.
If more people overran the tropicals forum with ficus threads, and that bothered the others, I'm sure that would give impetus for a ficus only thread. I don't see many "demands" here, but a friendly forum to share, discuss, question and disagree equitably.
Applying Marketplace terms such as "supply and demand" to a forum sounds like requiring someone to stop an overheard conversation because one dislikes the subject.
I am interested in your ficus experiments. Heading to Tropicals to read up on it...
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i could post ficus content here, or ourfigs, or palmtalk, or pushingborders, or even agaveville. should i just flip a coin? should i search each forum for "ficus" to look at past engagement? naturally i should post ficus content on whichever forum has the greatest demand for it.

supply and demand, demand and supply, it's not philosophy, it's basic economics.

You should post ficus content wherever you most enjoy posting ficus content. The ficus lovers will follow the ficus content.
What about if a rich guy wants to grow lettuce into bonsai

And donates 1 million to a lettuce thread

I'm sure there is no interest whatsoever but it is top of the list

We would all no doubt ignore and have nothing to offer

He could donate another million

Still none of us will have anything to contribute
What about if a rich guy wants to grow lettuce into bonsai

And donates 1 million to a lettuce thread

I'm sure there is no interest whatsoever but it is top of the list

We would all no doubt ignore and have nothing to offer

He could donate another million

Still none of us will have anything to contribute

I believe in you! You can be the Million Dollar Lettuce Man!
@RoadManDenDron i love british humor. a rich guy donates $1 million for a lettuce category, but there wouldn't be any interest? are you sure?

are you familiar with amaranth? i have an ornamental edible variety that i love putting into ramen...


even though its an annual the plant gets huge...


unless it pops up in a small pot with barely any medium...


is it a bonsai? it's definitely dwarfed. it's flowering at 6" instead of 6'.

back in the day rich people were willing to pay $$$ for orchids. now orchids are abundant and affordable. back in the day rich people were willing to pay $$$ for oranges. now oranges are abundant and affordable. back in the day rich people were willing to pay $$$ for dragon fruit. now dragon fruit is a lot more abundant and affordable. back in the day rich people were willing to pay $$$ for bonsais. now bonsais are abundant and affordable.

a couple years ago my friend sold a ficus elastica shivereana in a 6" pot for $900. now the same size plant is selling for around $30.

when rich people spend a lot of money on something rare, lots of people pay attention, and they produce more of it, so it becomes abundant and affordable, and we all benefit.

what's the most money that a rich person has spent on the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail? $40 for a vhs? right now a blue ray on amazon is $43. where's the opportunity to spend $1 million on this movie? it doesn't exist. but it would, if we had the opportunity to rank content using donations. and then british humor with all its wit, intelligence and randomness, would win. instead of all the flashy but vapid content like transformers and spider man.
Anyway… I think a tannoensis vining up the carica that it’s grafted to would look pretty cool.

x = the supply of categories
y = the demand for categories

there should be a disparity between x and y? this disparity benefits who, exactly?

think about your local nursery

x = the supply of plants
y = the demand for plants

there should be a disparity between x and y? who would this benefit?

think about netflix

x = the supply of shows/movies/documentaries
y = the demand for content

there should be a disparity between x and y? who benefits?

the competition?

hulu says, "haha netflix, keep up the good work of greatly underestimating the demand for bonsai content. we have a ton of bonsai content and we're rolling in the cash because of it."

do hulu and netflix even have any bonsai content? youtube sure has a ton of it. this means that the demand for it must be huge, right? so why aren't netflix and hulu capitalizing on it? actually, just because youtube has a huge supply of bonsai content really doesn't mean that the demand is also huge.

here on this forum right now the pines category has 3.8k threads and 73k messages. you're welcome to guess that the demand for this category is relatively large. but if you were good at guessing demand then you'd be really rich. maybe you are really rich, but most people are not, because correctly guessing demand really isn't easy.

here are a couple basic facts...

1. demand matters, whether we're talking about bonsais, bonsai documentaries or bonsai categories
2. having to guess the demand for anything bonsai related is dumb

there's absolutely no need or benefit to try and guess the demand for forum categories. whenever anyone donates, they should be given the option to indicate which category it's for. then we'd all see and know the demand for forum categories. being correctly informed about the demand for categories would greatly improve the supply of threads, which would benefit everyone.
This isnt a buisness, its a bonsai forum.
I think you are a little off the deep end with this.
As I said, you want a ficus only forum, go buy the web hosting and make it yourself
Make everyone that wants to participate donate for the site and we will see how long your site lasts.
Meanwhile those of us with Ficus and want to know more about ficus bonsai will look at the tropricals forum category here
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Anyway… I think a tannoensis vining up the carica that it’s grafted to would look pretty cool.

do you mean ficus vaccinioides? it's actually more of a ground cover or rock climber. ficus pumila grafted onto a big carica would climb up it. that would look cool. i have ficus villosa which is a really neat climber that's dioecious, but i haven't had a chance to try grafting it to carica yet. problem is that villosa needs a greenhouse.
for the past year or so i've been attempting to graft different dioecious ficus species onto carica in order to test for compatibility. if a species grows well when grafted onto carica, then it's more likely that they can be crossed. this isn't a perfect rule. for example, despite several attempts i haven't managed to successfully graft auriculata onto carica, even though they've been crossed. auriculata is in the sycomorus subgenus, which might be the most distant from the carica subgenus (ficus) among all the dioecious species. hard to say. it remains to be seen if the opposite situation of auriculata exists... a species that's graft, but not cross, compatible with carica.

not sure if you can tell, but when i graft a different species onto carica, initially i'll regularly remove any new growth from the carica. in theory this forces the carica to direct all its energy into the scion. of course this isn't practical to do with big trees.

i'm guessing that this post will cause some of you to suffer from information overload? hey, this isn't facebook.

i really want to know how robots in the future will share information with each other. if robots always exchange all their information when they meet another robot, then they will have to lug around exponentially more external hard drives. or they will have to pay for a lot of cloud storage space. it makes sense that they will have to prioritize.

in my 1st thread here, @Gabler said that we just happen to disagree. if we were robots, then what? he'd wirelessly transfer all the relevant data to me? or he'd grant me temporary access to the relevant data? then i'd do the same for him? if we had access to all the same relevant data then this would eliminate our disagreement, right? in my case that's a lot of data... books, articles, papers, studies, lectures and so on. not sure how long it would take his robot brain to process it all.

if we could donate to prioritize categories, and their creation, naturally i'd donate for the creation of a category for ficus. this priority would reflect a lot of data. the information shared in this post is just a tiny fraction of all the information i have about the incredible and immense hybridization potential for ficus that's been virtually untapped. each new hybrid will be a completely new form, that might be more rewarding to bonsai than all the other ficus you've ever worked with before. each new hybrid will also produce a completely new fruit, that might be tastier than all the other figs you've ever tried before.

would gabler donate? if so, which category would he donate for? his priority would also reflect a lot of data, virtually all of which would be different than mine, which is why two heads are better than one. naturally more heads are even better.

if every member chipped in to prioritize the categories then the result would reflect an incredible amount of data. none of us would have access to the entire mountain of data, but it would still influence and improve our own priorities. this in turn would improve the data we collect, so it would be an immensely virtuous cycle of progress and improved priorities.

not too long ago one of my biggest plant priorities was the orchid family...

was i barking up the wrong tree?

imagine a group where everybody is barking up the wrong tree, except for one person. and then they kick that person from the group. that really wouldn't be a happy ending. a happy ending would be if everybody else in that group quickly started barking up the right tree. if ficus is the right tree, obviously i should have the opportunity to share a ton of information about it. voila, here i am. it's a great opportunity. but it would be even more useful to have the opportunity to spend some money for a category for ficus. it's the best possible tl;dr.

if gabler spends $40 for a cyrtocarpa category, even if he doesn't post any explanation, it will still jump on my radar. i regularly get emails about new listings from seed sellers. if i happen to see cyrtocarpa seeds for sale, and they aren't too crazily priced, then i'll buy them. i'll sow the seeds, and when i eventually taste the fruit, perhaps i'll also chip in for a cyrtocarpa category. this is the easiest and most efficient way for the right trees to quickly jump on all our radars.

Aside from the hypergraphia (with concomitant unconventional thought association?) : are you sure grafting tells you anything about hybrid compatibility? I can think of many plants that can be grafted together, but cannot fertilize eachother, or create viable hybrids. I think your project of attempting to cross different species of Ficus is very interesting, and well worth the effort, but checking (and waiting) to see if a graft takes first probably won't tell you anything useful, especially as performing the pollination sounds pretty straightforwards. Why not just try the pollination, and see if viable fruit are set?
@Paradox when i link people to this thread i have to apologize in advance for all the ads...


all the ads don't make this forum a business?

the south coast botanic garden has a donation box near the entrance...


does this make it a business?

let's say that the local bonsai club chipped in for a 2nd donation box...


would this make it a business?

please explain the harm of seeing and knowing the demand for bonsais at this botanic garden. i can't see any harm, but i can sure see plenty of benefit... the supply of bonsais at the garden would match the demand for them.
@Paradox when i link people to this thread i have to apologize in advance for all the ads...


all the ads don't make this forum a business?

the south coast botanic garden has a donation box near the entrance...


does this make it a business?

let's say that the local bonsai club chipped in for a 2nd donation box...


would this make it a business?

please explain the harm of seeing and knowing the demand for bonsais at this botanic garden. i can't see any harm, but i can sure see plenty of benefit... the supply of bonsais at the garden would match the demand for them.
No this is not a business.
It's already been explained to you that you see more ads when you are not logged in which is the screen shot you showed. Im logged in, I see ads at the top of the page, that's it, no where else and I have no problem with them whatsoever.

The ads and donation mechanism that are already available help the owner of the site pay for the cost of hosting, which isnt cheap. He isn't making money off of it which is the main goal of a business. It's just helping to reduce his costs.

The ads are not going to go away... period.

You can't deal with them, go somewhere else. Make your own damn forum and stop trying to turn this site into something no one here except you wants.

Congratulations. I'm now going to add you to my short ignore list. You cant seem to say anything succinctly or to the point. Its just an annoying, meandering diatribe and I don't care to read any more of whatever it is you are peddling.
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