The comeback kid

Steve C

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SE Michigan
This little ficus is a survivor for sure. This is only the start of my 4th yr in bonsai and I got this ficus as a B-day gift 2 yrs ago from my Mom. Since then it has been a "learning tree" to say the least, I've hacked it, killed 90% of it, and had it die back a huge amount due to my learning/lack of knowledge. It use to be about 24" tall, but died down to just above the S curve (about 3" above soil) last year. Now that I have learned a bit (thanks to you guys here) I'm managed to keep it alive, and now it's even thriving indoors this winter.

Mat not be the best design, but for a tree that by all means should be dead because of what I did to it, I think it's doing pretty well. Just a year ago it had no branches at all.

BTW my thoughts for it as you can see....are maybe a cascade with some upper upright foliage as well. Any input on that or where to go with it is appreciated.

Gives me hope that my ornery Barbados Cherry will Survive
Good job
Keep it up
A cascade may not be where this tree wants to go- I am sensing something else. At least from this angle.
Good job
Keep it up
A cascade may not be where this tree wants to go- I am sensing something else. At least from this angle.

I'm open to any suggestions for sure , what do you see ? Maybe hacking off the "cascade branch"? Because that was my other idea ,. Then that would leave the S trunk again though so thats why I did not do that. Gimme your input, I'm open to it :)

It definitely deserves to be something!

Mad potential now!

The straight part at the bottom to the cascade, makes me want tilt it right a bit, and do the squat regular.

But if you can somehow negate the straight, by laying it down, and doing a semiquasiraftcascade.....

Well....sounds like it deserves to be that!

It would take a special container/slab, but it's going there now.

I'd cut that rim off and free it!
It seems cramped.

Good Job! Righteous story!

Can you add a couple other angles?
Is this standing up or leaning back?
Congrats on bringing it back.
I do like the curvy trunk.
The straight part at the bottom to the cascade, makes me want tilt it right a bit, and do the squat regular.

Do you mean to tilt the whole tree to the right sorce?

Coffeegirl - gimme a few and I'll go down and snap a few other angels of it.
I can see the cascade now.
If that is what you want to do then go for it.
It took me a min.
I would repot closer to the edge when you can and wire the heck out of it right now for more movement.
Of course you will want to have a healthy plant before you start any work.
Make sure it has warm temps, lotsa sun and free draining soil.
Here's a few other views/angles. Like I said I'm not tied 100% to any idea, I'm open to anything with this little guy....



I was even tossing around the idea of this, but I dunno..............
Either way you def have some work ahead of you.
I know it's not exactly like your tree and yours would not look like this but I thought of this tree when I saw yours.
You want to get 2 things I think more branches and smaller branches and wire them when they are still young.
If you take the top off be careful not to break the cascade. If you take the cascade off then take the top off too. Lol
It's to straight and no movement or find a way to get some movement in it right now. Good thing is - it's a ficus. Crowns will grow back fast.
Keep us posted. Add more pics for sureimage.jpg

Yeah, for the squat regular (Japanese word) style. Like that... Lil more right Probly, but my thing didn't go that far!

Though it doesn't convey the image well, I know you have a good imagination!

You'll Probly have to grow some surface roots along there, to help disguise the straight part which would still exist here...
But it seems you got branches to start this
Raftish. Cascade..

Looking at the kid drawings, I like the first better....'s just too regular to me....
If I saw 1 at a show, id pass it, or it would get lost in a shohin display...

The second, Could hold its own, and be different enough to hold interest.

I honestly don't even know how these grow so well, I suck at mine, but if you could grow it rather largerish, into the raftcade, I think it would be nice.

Maybe @carp knows how small this foilage will get...I think a little bigger might be necessary.

But this one's a lifelong friend anyway, may as well take that time to really make it something!

Winter growth is the shit!

Can you see any branches to make a leader?
Yeah I can see the idea you have, that would be a few yrs down the road after removing the cascade branch. Opposite of the one Idea I had, but I like that too though. Would still have a bit of the S curve though, I dunno, decisions decisions lol
Replied after I was repling sorce, let me read yours an get back

Ahhh okay, now I see what you mean by tilting to the right. I actually really like the looks of that idea, uprights the curve more, and accents the left cascade branch a bit too as the main one. I like that, gonna give that one some real thought for sure:cool:
I actually like and understand where sorce is going with his first pic.
I think his red line is the pot.
Is that right sorce?
And that matches up almost exactly with the pic I posted. Lol
I would keep the cascade and stand up the tree. Good job sorce.
Thats how I am seeing it too, the red being the pot and the whole thing tilted about 45 degrees right.

Thats why I like posting pics here, honestly, I never would have seen that in it myself.
I think you have a plan.
Good luck
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