The Celtis (Hackberry) Scored Progression Contest


Reaction score
Central NJ
Scored Progression - Celtis Genus:


Scored Progression - Contest Background & Intent
Any user of Bonsai Nut undoubtedly is familiar with what is arguably the forum's most important and useful all-around genre of thread: the Progression Thread. Simply put, a progression thread is a single long-lived and continually updated thread documenting the progress of a single tree over a long course of time. Naturally, this results in a vast quantity of progression threads for similar species. The educational and informational value of these threads can not be overstated. Lacking, however, is real "pressure" for individuals to try and maximize the quality of their bonsai within these threads outside of whatever internal motives can be mustered by the artist. On the flip side, there is tradition of long-lived contests. These contests naturally rely on progression threads, as well, however the competitive element provides the impetus for the artists involved in the contest to push their skills and ability to the maximum. Unfortunately, due to the nature of when these contests start, there is an exclusionary element if a new user wants to enter, but is a year, or two, or five, etc. late. Thus, the user does not get that competitive drive they would have if they were involved in the contest.

And so, I am proposing a new structure of contest. Instead of independent similar progression threads with no competitive underpinning, a "Scored Progression" aims to create equal competition amongst all contestants with no start or end limitation/date. Instead, by scoring an entrant's progress annually, by as many involved participants as possible, a matrix can be generated to show a "Leaderboard" by age of the progression. This allows new entries to the scored progression at any time, so long as they follow the set starting criteria and everyone's progress can be scored annually and ranked against previous entries from prior years of a similar age. Scored Progressions offer numerous competitive angles such as "the best annual scoring", "most total points", or even archivist style records such as "longest time atop the 3rd year ranking" and so on and so forth.

Perhaps, most importantly, a Scored Progression contest offers an even more refined repository of technical and anecdotal evidence of what works and what doesn't work for those laboring within whatever criteria is the basis for the scored progression. By creating a ranked scoring system, there can be determined some objectivity as to who is achieving the best progress and whose information and approach is the best to mimic.

Starting Criteria / Rules:
  1. Trees must be within the Celtis Genus and grown / started from seed or first year cutting.
    1. Seeds may be purchased or collected in the wild.
    2. Cuttings used for the contest must be taken from new first year growth (softwood cuttings). At this time hardwood cuttings and air layers are not allowed. Dirr states "cuttings have been rooted but the percentages were low" in my 1998 edition of Manual of Woody Landscape Plants.
    3. Cuttings should be taken from an identifiable parent or specimen.
  2. Threads are to be numbered as follows: USERNAME - TAXONOMICAL NAME - # (with no tree of the same Taxonomical name having the same number)
    1. Forests, clumps, multiple tree plantings are allowed however are scored as a single tree. Once submitted as a group planting, trees may be removed, but not added and the entry must carry this style forward once defined.
  3. Each tree must have it's own progression thread by the end of year one.
    1. You need to share all of your information - including where you sourced your seeds or cuttings, and all the steps you used to get them to germinate or root, as well as post germination/rooting care.
    2. Since I assume people will be growing more than one tree, it is ok if early photos showing numerous trees in early development (i.e. flats full of seedlings) are shown in an initial thread related to that species, but once trees are separated, they should get their own thread.
  4. At the minimum you need to post one photo per year showing general progress in your progression thread however photos of work throughout the seasons is best, to show a true progression and aid everyone in determining "best practices".
  5. Each year, a dedicated thread by the contest moderator will be opened for a final annual photo submission of each tree's progress.
    1. You may select this photo from at any point in that calendar year. (winter silhouette, spring bud break, fall fruit, etc)
    2. Ex: "Year 1 - Celtis Scored Progressions", "Year 2 - Celtis Scored Progressions", Etc... ad infinitum....
There is no end date, each year older and older tree's accumulated scores increase allowing for movement in the rankings by year, while new entries keep everything fresh and interesting for trees of all ages. Those who lose trees, can start again with new entries and try to best their previous results as well as others results. After several years, it is possible we may agree that adding additional propagation options be included such as cuttings and air layers, as we will be able to determine the age of the propagated section. This is TBD.

Each tree entry each year will be scored by all other contestants including new trees submitted in the appropriate previous year threads. Each year, the scores will be updated to reflect both that year's new entries for each age along with previous entries for that age. As we get older and more developed trees, scoring categories may be changed.

Year 1, being a bit of an odd year will be scored based on the following categories on a scale of 0-10 with 0 being "complete failure in every conceivable facet" and 10 being "exemplary capability and success worthy of the Goddess Dionysus":
  1. Germination/Propagation Technique
  2. Overall Seedling Health
  3. Initial Movement / Interest
  4. Growing Conditions
  5. Pot / Display
  6. Overall Score
These individual scores would be averaged for a final score.

Example: Year 1: A tree may get a score of:

ENTRYGermination / Propagation TechniqueOverall Seedling HealthInitial Movement / InterestGrowing ConditionsPot / DisplayOverallANNUAL FINAL SCORE
Orion's Celtis Occidentalis #16647766.00

Each year, a tree's previous total would be ADDED to that year's average for a new total and ranking. After Year 1, scoring categories would normalize a bit for a while...
  1. Roots
  2. Nebari
  3. Trunk
  4. Branches
  5. Apex
  6. Overall Health
  7. Pot / Display
  8. Overall
Example Year 2:

Orion's Celtis Occidentalis #1768777476.636.0012.63

And so, this would go on year after year. With each tree entered or added based on the age of the tree and new entries in each age/year judged and placed in the ranking. I am open to discuss the scoring categories but once trees are scored in a year, the scoring categories must remain for future trees to be judged fairly.

Awards / Prizes:
Every 5 years, awards or prizes will be issued to the top ranked tree in years 3, 5, 7, 11, 13... etc. (prime numbered ages) so long as the top tree for that year is different than the previous award period's tree. Awards are TBD and will be based on the overall interest and activity in the progression.

Attached are some basic resources and info on Celtis:

Celtis Genus Wikipedia
Bonsai Empire Celtis Care Guidelines
Bonsai Today Celtis Care Guide
Sheffield's Seed

Current Contestants / Judges:
@Hack Yeah!
@Aaron the Great

Any general questions should be asked in this thread.

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I don't understand it, but it sounds awesome to me even though its a bit rigged. I mean this contest just started and Orion_Metalhead already has 6.00 points for year one and 12.63 points for year 2! What's up with that? :D I guess that the rest of us will have to overcome that head start lol.

All kidding aside, I have no knowledge or experience with the Celtis. I appreciate you putting some resources to expand our knowledge on the subject. I'm gonna give it a go, so count me in. I will start my thread when I am able to get started. This is gonna be fun!
I actually do not have any experience either with Celtis, so the species will be a learning experience for me too.

Scoring is easier than it seems. Just focus on making the best tree as possible!
I was initially a little disappointed that we will be starting from seed, but my mind has been changed and this looks like fun. I too am clueless on Celtis but will probably try common N. American Celtis for its cold hardiness and throw in some others for shits and giggles.

I assume if one buys seeds that there is no need for stratification or anything else? Just plant the seeds and wait for germination?
Depends on the species. Some species need a stratificatiom and some dont, so depends on the species you are working with.

I'd like to hope that the annual scoring gives contestants more immediate buy-in and feedback to get an exciting all around contest.
I'd like to hope that the annual scoring gives contestants more immediate buy-in and feedback to get an exciting all around contest.
I agree and think it’s great. After reading your intro I was sold and put my order in for seeds. I’m in.

Sheffields seems to say that it can either be cold stratified or soaked for 24 hours. If anyone has a good guide for Celtis germination, please post.
Once again, it depends on the species. Africanus says no stratification, just soak in water as a scarification. Others, lile Australis and sinensis require cold stratification. Id follow the stratification/scarification instructions from where you buy your seeds to achieve best germination.

After looking at some developed specimen, I feel the species is very similar to Chinese Elm and Zelkova so I think we will see some pretty fast progress.
I have a celtis progression already but i wouldnt mind working on another one and document it...
However i dont have seeds if i would be allowed to take a cutting from some fresh spring growth im in!
I have a celtis progression already but i wouldnt mind working on another one and document it...
However i dont have seeds if i would be allowed to take a cutting from some fresh spring growth im in!
Defra, let me think about how to work cuttings in since there seems to be an interest in using.
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Sheffields seems to say that it can either be cold stratified or soaked for 24 hours.
Seems I posted wrong info so I wanted to correct. For North American Hackberry, soak the seeds for 24 hours and then it needs 120 days cold stratification. It’s not either, it’s both.
Seems I posted wrong info so I wanted to correct. For North American Hackberry, soak the seeds for 24 hours and then it needs 120 days cold stratification. It’s not either, it’s both.

Dirr and Heuser recommend two to three months of cold stratification.
I've got something I've been chuckling about all morning.

I told my mom about the contest and she thought it sounded like a lot of fun. She has a black thumb when it comes to plants. Kills things just by being in a 10 mile radius with them.

I told my grandmother, who used to have a garden every year and loves plants, and she looked at me like I had three heads.

"A 10 year contest? That's stupid! And it takes forever to grow a tree from seed. What a waste of time!"

Man, she had some strong feelings on it. I don't think she really gets the whole point of "bonsai".

I also found she's a cheating cheater who cheats! She barely grew any of her garden plants from seed when she had a garden. She just bought them already started. I feel like my whole life is a lie. XD

At any rate, I'm super excited for this. I can't wait to annoy my grandmother with gushing over the tiny trees.
I have updated the rules to allow for cuttings. Below are the key items changed in the rules:

  1. Trees must be within the Celtis Genus and grown / started from seed or first year cutting.
    1. Seeds may be purchased or collected in the wild.
    2. Cuttings used for the contest must be taken from new first year growth (softwood cuttings). At this time hardwood cuttings and air layers are not allowed. Dirr states "cuttings have been rooted but the percentages were low" in my 1998 edition of Manual of Woody Landscape Plants.
    3. Cuttings should be taken from an identifiable parent or specimen.
@defra, @minkes, @leatherback, @DeepSouth,
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How about naturally seeded seeds? The birds in my back yard eat the berries from the big hackberries and poop the seeds everywhere. Would I be allowed to enter a freshly sprouted one this spring? Would that be considered a wild collected seedling or fair game for this contest?
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