Its very much alive! And if it were possible to see ifsomeone had carved their initials in back when it was a lot younger you'd recognize it easier...
Aspen - just like its counterparts nearby.20200808_084030.jpg You don't get to see them reach this stage often. This one is in Brian Head, Utah.
Yep, this is a bonsai site, but this is the bark picture thread and any tree with nice bark can be posted here, doesn't have to be a tree in a pot.
@Cosmos was the one who started the thread and in the original post made the simple rules for the thread.

Simple: post an interesting closeup picture of the bark of a tree you own (refined bonsai or long term project, doesn’t matter). Focus on picture quality, proper focus and lighting.

If you post in this thread, you must attach a bark picture, no exception. Same rule as in the other picture threads.

I’ll start:

Red elm (ulmus rubra) bark, from a stump collected this spring.
I apologize for not following the rules earlier.
20200817_074349.jpg Here's an Austrian pine, been in a container its whole life.
Hey guys, love big old trees as much as anyone, but this is for trees in containers that belong to you. Thanks!
Yes! And the spaceship Earth container belongs to all of us!🌎
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