The Accent (Companion) Plant Thread

A rock I found close to 30 years ago. My brother and I found 2 very similar rounded black stones with brown speckles. Been sitting on my benches for years. Planting is Ajuga and Jasmine with a piece of cat skull that has been decomposing at the end of my running route since last December. Finally broke down and grabbed a souvenir last month and incorporated it into an accent. Will look better as everything fills in.
Summer is for accents built up a healthy arsenal
Shitakusa / sedums on lace rock
Accents thanks @vancehanna - foam flower , Pennsylvania sedge, tiarella , cardinal flower
This is on a Barry Murphee crescent
Oat Grass , PA sledge , and foam flower
Added Horsetail Grasses to this Murphee container -with swamp grasses and sundew
Small SR round - Venus Fly Traps and Horsetail still need to establish
Correction to one of them it was Canadian anemone.
Sedum is gluacophyllum
Summer is for accents built up a healthy arsenal
Shitakusa / sedums on lace rock
View attachment 445698
Accents thanks @vancehanna - foam flower , Pennsylvania sedge, *canadian anemone, cardinal flower
View attachment 445699
This is on a Barry Murphee crescent
Oat Grass , PA sledge , and foam flower
View attachment 445700
Added Horsetail Grasses to this Murphee container -with swamp grasses and sundew
View attachment 445701
Small SR round - Venus Fly Traps and Horsetail still need to establish
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Rock shitakusa and other accents .. all native ferns, flowers, grasses, sedum , and carnivore plants. The shitakusa would be something I pair with a pine or conifer as understory.
Woodland phlox, ladyfern , foam flower , sedum. Too left
Too right woodland phlox , I wanna say interrupted fern and spleenwort , and a sedum terabtum
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