Most people probably think I am here to Rascal Nonsense. Truth is, in order for me(or anyone for that matter) to gain any useful knowledge of trees, I have to be a student of the PEOPLE here just as well as the information they provide. Otherwise their information is without foundation, and just as a tree needs a good base as a foundation, information needs a good foundation. I don't fuck around with Bullshit information, Or Bullshit people.
As that student of these people, I know, because this is the third (fourth) time I'm saying it....
Oso is not an Asshat! (He's an assclown!) Lol...just playing!
Truth truth....
We run Bullshit People off way before they even think about naming their trees after one of us Assanythings!
That's how we already know you're not on Bullshit!
Welcome to Fucking Crazy!
Do you see all the cuss words that haven't been deleted?
Do you see that this thread is hardly about Either Oso, the asshat or the tree, yet we are still receiving no Bullshit threats of the thread getting deleted, or some other sis pants sheeeit!
Welcome Home!
And my theory about how 90% of humans still haven't evolved fast enough to really understand this method of communication, and the fact that more than half of human communication is non-verbal to begin with....
Explains the previous...
Complete and total misunderstanding.
But we already burnt the Bridge, turned the water going under it to Guinness, and are back at it already!
Now where the hell is Vance!?