Texas Ebony Airlayer

What do you think guys? Is it time? If anyone else has experience or suggestion I would like to hear those as well. Thanks.

Well past the safety point. I would have separated those air-layers when the roots were 3-4" long. You almost have let the roots go TOO long - because it will be difficult to get them arranged without damage.

Great job!
Very quickly as a follow-up note: you know that with ANY air-layer it will be important to protect the tree for a bit until it gets established on its new roots. That means no direct sunlight and you might even consider additional protection if it is going to be a hot, dry and windy day.
Today is the day! Cloudy and humid temps under 100?

First thing getting the pots ready. Going with 80/20 pumice/organic mix with a bit of NAPA (hey @sorce ).
Put wire around the pot and attached 4 guy wires (do NOT put smaller gauge wire around pot like I did and snapped it )

Next I removed the bottle/tape: Nice roots.

I cleaned them off a bit then cut the branch on the end closests to the roots of the tree ?

Put plant in the pot and attached guy wires.

Rinse and repeat for the other side
(I put cut paste on the main plant).
And Bob's your uncle!

Follow @Bonsai Nut advice of reduced wind and no sun:

I need some advice about reducing the foliage. Should I and how much if yes?

just did a check on the only airlayer left.
The roots rose up to the surface,
Perhaps the same will happen for you, so you
may not have to interfere with your roots.

Apologies, I cannot offer any advice on defoliation.

Maybe just observe, see if any leaflet yellows.
That is a lot of - soil - Remember there is a guy
on youtube who grows plants in sphagnum peat.

We tested his idea for a few years.
No problems.
Maybe your airlayers will have similar results as
they change over to your soil mix.

We normally don't interfere with the airlayer, just
plant the whole thing.
Good Day
Thanks Anthony I did not mess much with the roots either. Just too hot IMO. It is a lot of soil again just trying to help it with heat. I am looking at them thinking it would be a shame to trim when I might be able to air layer it again ?
Well, the cuttings look good no wilting this morning. A ton of new growth on the mother tree which is great! Hope you will get out there and give air layering a try people!
Texas ebony repot. Finally got the mother plant repotted. Whoever potted it sure used some nice soil. Beautiful roots. Was going to go pond basket but the root mass was so big will have to do it in stages for the health of the tree. Put her in a flat with DE and 8822. Still have plenty of work to do but glad to see it out of the nursery pot.
I don't have a ton of experience with these, but I do have a pretty large (5') one in an Anderson flat that I've been growing for a couple of years and it tends to grow slowly unless I trim it... in which case it throws out running growth like crazy! If you see it start to throw long shoots, nip them before they overwhelm your design.

these trees are very easy to work with.
I would have suggested an oversized plastic bonsai
pot from Dallas Bonsai.

Just feed and trim, until you get what you want.
Good Day
Texas ebony repot. Finally got the mother plant repotted. Whoever potted it sure used some nice soil. Beautiful roots. Was going to go pond basket but the root mass was so big will have to do it in stages for the health of the tree. Put her in a flat with DE and 8822. Still have plenty of work to do but glad to see it out of the nursery pot.
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What is update on this. ? There is a nice 6 ft plus tree at my nursery for $99. I was totally thinking of air layer.
Doing great! Kind of sad in our winter right now but got some decent growth out of canopy and trunk. Air layerered pretty easy!
In Southern California mine was deciduous and would drop leaves and go dormant for two or three months.

Here in North Carolina I wasn't sure it was going to appreciate the cold, so I brought it inside in December. It is sitting in a sunny window and looks great.
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