WOW I had, by default/subconsciously, been thinking "gotta get them while they're just seedlings" and actually shunned the older ones!!! WOW that is perfect timing as, upon posting this, I'll be starting the truck to head to the site I'd originally gone for the pine seedlings (and this place has been un-touched so far as I's vacant and I'm pretty sure un-mowed, I hope!) Should be able to quadruple my pine collection todayI dig them up out of the ground, usually let them sit in water for a few days to a week and then pot them. I only dig ones up that are bigger than my finger, no sense in seedlings.

When you say 'no sense in seedlings' though, that kinda throws me- do you just mean that the success% is roughly the same or that growth is so slow that it is that big a difference? I'm genuinely surprised at how slow my Oak & Pine seedlings are growing (especially the Pines), am thinking something as thick as a finger probably represents ~1yr's growth so that is a big difference in time but I also expect it to have a correspondingly-large tap-root and, so far as I was understanding this approach/method, it was getting them young not only because they didn't transplant well as adults but also because their roots don't take heavy insults & need to 'be formed right' from the start...truly thought the seedling approach was for each of those reasons pretty equally!
Will be grabbing seedlings as-well-as thicker stuff today, will get a large sampling to see if I can actually get some rough #'s on relative-success of seedlings-v-fingerthick samples! Interesting that you let them sit in water so long, I do put them in water while collecting of course but I've always had the impulse to get them into soil quickly, as-if their secretions aren't something I want floating-away into a cup of water (just a feeling/not something I'm trying to suggest!)
Good stuffs (which species have you found most-prevalent after Live & Laurel? They're the only 2 I can ID by site and I know/suspect that there's a ton more varieties of Oak all around me)I am 99 percent sure of what they are so not needed.![]()
Have 2 species of swamp-tree I collected in Feb, one that's a gigantic ~4' stump-with-primaries (already has a >1" leader-primary measuring at least 5' in length, thing clears my gutter!!) that I've yet to find the names for, not for lack of trying but just lack of caring (figure they are what they are, their names aren't of any use to me not right now at least!)